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I'm only speaking from the personal
experience of myself and many of my
girlfriends here, and I'm not blaming
men for those few extra pounds. But
we've all heard of "the freshmen
fifteen," the weight gain experts say
college students can expect when they
leave Mom's healthy cooking behind
and start living on greasy dorm food
and pizza delivery. I call the weight gain
many women experience when they
settle into a new love the "relationship
ten," and here's how I think it happens:

She's a single girl, and she's been that
way for a while. Since she isn't part of a
couple and doesn't live with her parents
any more, she takes most of her meals
alone. After a hard day at work, she can
come home and slave over the stove to
cook herself a full-course meal, eat it in
front of her TV, and then spend the rest
of her night cleaning up after herself. Or
she can grab a handful of peanut butter
crackers and a yogurt, or maybe a Lean
Cuisine or a bowl of cereal, and call it a

Most single women aren't starving
themselves to make heads turn in a bar.
They're not starving themselves at all.
They're just taking the easy way out
when it comes to meals.

When she does go out to eat, it tends to
be with her girlfriends. Chowing down
on that burger and fries while her friend
who has to make sure she can squeeze
into that tiny number at next week's
party is nibbling at a salad is sure to
make her feel like a pig. So she orders
the salad too.

Then along comes love. Suddenly,
she's not just sharing dinner with her
cat anymore. Evening meals and
weekend brunches are something she
enjoys with you. She's much more likely
to prepare a full-course meal, partake of
the meal you've prepared, or order
takeout when there are two of you to
feed. Just because she was fine with a
cup of soup for dinner before doesn't
mean she expects you to be. If one of
you is making spaghetti and garlic
bread anyway, chances are she's not
going just have a bowl of cereal herself.

When the two of you dine out, the
portions she ordered that looked huge
next to what her dieting girlfriend was
having don't seem so outrageous next
to your meal, so she doesn't even
realize she's eating much more than
before. The pounds sneak up on her,
and the next thing she knows those
killer jeans are just a little too tight.

That's how relationship weight gain
happens. It has nothing to do with
snaring a man and then letting
ourselves go. It's just that our habits
change imperceptibly, without us even
realizing it.

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