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Jedi Temple Guard

Anonymous Sentinels



An ancient, honored heritage within the hallowed halls of the Jedi Temple was the role of the Jedi Temple Guard. Reporting to Cin Drallig, head of security, the Temple Guards were anonymous sentinels plucked from the ranks of the Jedi as part of a Knight's ongoing commitment to the Order. A Jedi Temple Guard would disappear inside the formal robes and identity-concealing masks, the ultimate expression of emotional detachment required in service to a higher calling. Temple Guards carried imposing lightsaber pikes -- thick, double-bladed weapons that produced a rare and distinctive yellow blade.


  1. The Clone Wars
Lightsaber pike
Jedi Order


Cin Drallig

Cin Drallig

Cin Drallig was tasked with protecting the Jedi Temple during the time of the Clone Wars. He was particularly concerned with growing hostility towards the Jedi Order from Republic citizens.

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Jedi Temple

Jedi Temple

The Jedi Temple has long stood as a beacon of justice on Coruscant, but the trials of the Clone Wars led many in the Republic to instead view it as a fortress of isolation and deception.

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The lightsaber is the weapon of the Jedi Knight, with a color defined by its central crystal harvested from a sacred cave on Ilum. The yellow-bladed lightsaber pikes are unique to the Jedi Temple Guards.

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Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker relied on help from the Jedi Temple Guards during his attempt to corral a Jedi traitor. Little did any in the Order expect that by the end of the Clone Wars, Anakin would present an entirely different challenge to Jedi Temple security.

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