Monthly Statistical Bulletin

The Statistics and Mapping Section produces a selection of the latest economic and social statistics in the Monthly Statistical Bulletin [PDF] which is updated at the beginning of each monthly.

The bulletin is also available as a PDF.

As a companion to the monthly statisical bulletin, longer time series of the statistics presented in the publication are available electronically at monthly statistical bulletin e-data. These time series are updated throughout each month as new figures are released, but are only available to Senators and Members through the Parliamentary Library's intranet.

Note: Between issues, many series are updated or revised. An indication of when each series is likely to be updated is included at the foot of each page. Previous month' publications should be discarded as they may contain statistics which are no longer the most current or which have been revised.

Feature article
From time to time, feature articles are published in this bulletin. These articles explain aspects of, changes to, and developments in the various statistics that appear in this publication. An index of previous feature articles and the date they appeared is also provided.

Related publications
Electronic links to publications referred to in the text are available before the glossary.

Some economic and social terms may be unfamiliar to readers. Many of these terms are described in the glossary at the end of this publication.

Enquiries and comments
Sue Johnson
Director, Statistics and Mapping Section
Telephone: (02) 6277 2480

Historical data

Long-term data series for every table which appears in this publication are available electronically to all senators and members. These series are updated as new data are released.

The long-term series, with printable tables and graphs, are contained in Excel workbooks and can be found at: //libiis1/Library_Services/Quicklinks/msb_edata/index.htm.


Historical data
Key release dates
Feature articles
Related publications—links

Tables [PDF]

Labour market

Wages and prices

National accounts

Business conditions


External transactions


International comparisons

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