Cory_vet_gamer’s Feed
  • Cory_vet_gamer posted a message in the forum topic Does Ni No Kuni get the same hate as FFXIII? on the PlayStation Discussion board.

    Pffrbt Honey what exactly is your purpose here? you let your opinions get the best of you or you want to troll with the others?maybe both? you make your position sound more obvious with every comment your species [trolls] are the only ones that disliked NNK so please cut all that crap no one gives a damn about what you think sorry for the harsh words honey but youre only another ''gamer'' of this new gen,youre insignificant.

  • Cory_vet_gamer posted a message in the forum topic Does Ni No Kuni get the same hate as FFXIII? on the PlayStation Discussion board.

    Honey do you even know anything about JRPG? that is a funny question what can possible made you think that NNK is in FFXIII level? NNK is a complete JRPG with everything that the genre can offer FFXIII is exactly the opposite it is empty theres no gameplay not to mention the other problems involving the story and the linearity the game is an abomination.

  • Cory_vet_gamer posted a message in the forum topic Why do people often favor FFX but hate FFXIII when they are nearly the same? on the Games Discussion board.

    Checklist for both shows the insanity: -both are severely linear games. - both have weapons/magic related items/ weapons in which most are rarely use since you stick with it can skip over to more useful items. - both battle systems are slow. - both have standout art styles. - both have contradicting and misplaced story lines with plot holes. - both have stereotypical characters - both have badly written characters getting a lot of screen time. - the story in both barely let's you go off and explore and is set. - both have the highest soundtrack views on YouTube than any other FF game. - both have random out of nowhere final bosses. - both have real time feather effects on chic ibis feathers. - both have tedious side quests that the main game actually seems to be trying to get you to forget. - cutscenes in both take up near as much as gameplay. - both have 3 person parties -both games gauges in battle move at the same speed no others do this not even x-2. And more. Half the stuff out side if paradigms complained about in XIII are in or MORE OFTEN in X What is going on with FF fans???

    Oh boy you don't know FF or you played the games and don't paid attention?don't compare FFX with FFXIII one game have it's free roam at a certain point the other is completely deprived of exploration,free roam,quests and minigames in short FFXIII dont have the traditional gameplay that's why it is hated and brings shame for the franchise,also the story is nonsensical especially when you try to find coherence with it's sequels nothing fits together.

  • Cory_vet_gamer posted a message in the forum topic why all the FFXIII hate? on the Games Discussion board.

    @Yodas_Boy:looks like theres many people here that dont know FF but you resumed everything that there is to know about it [not that theres much to say about it though] i cant express with words how much i hated this game,a JRPG without gameplay is mediocre and unaceptable this game brings shame for a franchise of renown and standards, i dont know what SE must be thinking to discard the traditional gameplay like this i wished FFXIII and its sequels never existed.

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