all 187 comments

[–]somedude456 109 points110 points ago

If true, people please remember....if you take a camera anywhere, have a text document on the memory card with your contact info plus have the first picture be one of your contact info.

[–]Dvorak_Simplified_Kb 23 points24 points ago

This is good advice, thanks.

[–]RandomEuro 11 points12 points ago

And remember to never take a picture with that camera which could compromise you, or the info-text might backfire.

[–]somedude456 8 points9 points ago

Correct, don't rob a bank with a head mount GoPro and then drop the GoPro with your address on the memory card. However for a mom at a soccer game, a newly married couple visiting Rome, some college buddies at the beach, etc, it all works out fine.

[–]StevenViper 3 points4 points ago

I want to see a head mounted bank robbery now

[–]krrc 1 point2 points ago

[–]Sonerous 0 points1 point ago

Nice find, thanks for posting this.

[–]VeniiVidiiVicii 0 points1 point ago

I dont understand why you are being downvoted. This information is gold! Thanks!

[–]smellySharpie 2 points3 points ago

[–]VeniiVidiiVicii 0 points1 point ago

I don't know this guy, nor have I ever met him. My account is new because my old one had my full name in it, which proved to be a huge mistake on reddit.

[–]smellySharpie 0 points1 point ago

I'm telling you it's because of vote fuzzing.

[–]Spoggerific 137 points138 points ago

Cool if true, but for some reason it stinks of viral advertising for the gopro. They've been known to do so before, from what I remember.

[–]masklinn 63 points64 points ago

A completely rusted and waterlogged camera does not make for great advertising.

[–]throwinit9 77 points78 points ago

A completely rusted and waterlogged camera

...that still managed to valiantly protect your most cherished memories.

[–]tuckmyjunksofast 59 points60 points ago

Nope, the resilience of the SD card protected the files.

[–]Tonyhawk270 70 points71 points ago

Plot twist: it's a Sandisk ad.

[–]CirakJoules 22 points23 points ago


[–]MrSquiggs 2 points3 points ago


[–]Bandikoto 5 points6 points ago

Given the silicon used to make the chips inside the SD, absolutely true.

[–]Batty-Koda 1 point2 points ago

Most customers would not make that distinction. If it's viral advertising, they're not going to be targetting the people that know that distinction with it.

[–]crailtappy 1 point2 points ago

also not using the latest model or using interesting pictures

[–]girlchic 1 point2 points ago

Sandisk must be in on it.

[–]reflexdoctor 2 points3 points ago

any advertising is good advertising. look, now we're all here talking about GoPro and it's in our consciousnessessesses

[–]MDKMD5 2 points3 points ago

gopro...gopro.....gopro......... I NEED A GOPRO NOW!

[–]gurshant84 0 points1 point ago

I winced at the sight of the card. I have the same one.

[–]masklinn 4 points5 points ago

The card survived and protected the pictures, so… good choice I guess?

[–]gurshant84 0 points1 point ago

Yup, was worth the money spent.

[–]pakap -1 points0 points ago

Notice how both the model and brand logo are prominently displayed and readable.

[–]masklinn 1 point2 points ago

So are the memory card's, does that mean it's a Sandisk ad?

[–]RandomEuro -1 points0 points ago

How many will see the picture? How man will remember the name and story? Alone from the title they already got into your mind.

[–]NotRemotelyJoeBiden 0 points1 point ago

Oh no, I'm aware of a product. I've become one of the sheeplemen.

[–]RandomEuro -2 points-1 points ago

Your naivety is funny.

[–]ironmaiden6776 0 points1 point ago


[–]el_guapo_malo 47 points48 points ago

They are all over reddit and they make sure to put gopro in the title every single time. It's getting a bit out of control.

[–]GokuNoPiccolo 6 points7 points ago

It's like how kleenex is the generic term for tissues.

[–]bloodsoakedcuntrag 17 points18 points ago

I don't believe it. I've been checking the comment / submission history from many of these people. They often have an extensive history, with no other mentions of GoPro in it. While GoPro may be responsible for creating these fantastical stories we keep hearing, I do not believe they are responsible for ensuring GoPro is in the title every single time. I think that is people's own doing. Marketing has ensured many of us have made the term GoPro synonymous with action video. They result of that, is that all action videos are GoPros to the general consumer.

[–]uuyatt 25 points26 points ago

OP from the link's only post is about Gopro

[–]brtt3000 -5 points-4 points ago

Maybe because his main account is private and he made a throwaway in case he had to identify himself? Many users do that.

[–]dude500 3 points4 points ago

There are companies that "level up" accounts on Reddit and other sites, building them for marketing purposes.

Reddit knows about this and supports it. It's just more content to them.

I actually tried to report one the other day, I even had like 100 upvotes for my little report thread and it was deleted by a mod because "the account is not directly linking to sales pages", like where you can buy the product from, like Amazon or something.

Here, I made another one as a joke. They'll probably ban me now:

[–]throwinit9 12 points13 points ago

TYL real people with long account histories are highly sought after and get paid well to innocuously market products.

[–]TheWhiteNashorn -1 points0 points ago

Or they just mention it bc we use it. Look at my post history. Ive mentioned it once or twice. Do I get paid, man I wish.

[–]brtt3000 5 points6 points ago

But did they pay you to post this?

Checkmate /r/HailCorporate!

[–]TheWhiteNashorn 1 point2 points ago

I will update when I get my check.

[–]ghiacciato 0 points1 point ago

Hello TheWhiteNashorn,

I've noticed you talked about wanting to get paid for promoting GoProTM in your commenst. If you're interested, I'd like to set you up for a 2-year contract as a freelance advertiser for GoProTM . You will receive monthly payments of $1.000 in return for mentioning GoProTM and its line of sports- and activity-centered video recording cameras in at least 50 comments a week on various places throughout reddit.

If you're interested in this offer, please contact us at

Regards, The GoProTM team

EDIT: Oops! I meant to send a private message! How do I delete on this thing?

[–]Mylon 6 points7 points ago

A lot of marketing firms cultivate accounts and post random inane content to make it look legitimate when it gets turned around to start posting marketing content. They know they will be called out if it's a fresh account posting marketing content so they try to camouflage them. At least the skilled marketing firms.

[–]xu85 -3 points-2 points ago

GoPro shill please leave.

[–]fastattaq[S] 9 points10 points ago

I submitted the link to /r/bestof. I assure you, I have no affiliation with GoPro whatsoever. I just thought it was an amazing story. If I'm somehow entitled to some free GoPro camera that I don't know about, you should let me know.

[–]jonosaurus 24 points25 points ago

Doesn't really seem like it. The camera was destroyed in the process; I could see it being viral marketing if the camera miraculously survived and still worked, but it didn't.

[–]el_guapo_malo 39 points40 points ago

It doesn't matter. All that matters is seeing the word "gopro" on the front page of reddit yet again.

[–]GritBlast 24 points25 points ago

Would you get just as upset about someone describing a small bandage as a Band Aid? It's the same thing.

[–]seeingreality3 -2 points-1 points ago

It's not the same thing. While Band Aid is a trademarked brand, in our vernacular it's also a widely used generic term for bandage.

GoPro is not.

This company has been gaming Reddit for some time now, and the Reddit community eats it up.

It doesn't upset me, mind you. Reddit wants what Reddit wants. No skin off my back.

But it would be silly to deny that it's happening, considering you can find GoPro in the headline of a front page submission on a nearly daily basis.

[–]TheWhiteNashorn 8 points9 points ago

What actual proof do you have of this besides your tinfoil hat?

[–]output_enable 4 points5 points ago

It's not the same thing. While Band Aid is a trademarked brand, in our vernacular it's also a widely used generic term for bandage. GoPro is not.

Sure it is. Do you own an "action sports camera"? There is no competition in the market. Nobody talks about their competition because they have none.

[–]seeingreality3 -4 points-3 points ago

I own cameras and video cameras, yes, and in the case of this story "camera" is the only truly relevant information. There is nothing about this submission that makes it unique to GoPro and there is nothing about the story that makes the brand relevant except, of course, the fact that Reddit eats up submissions that tout this camera.

[–]fastattaq[S] 5 points6 points ago

There is nothing about this submission that makes it unique to GoPro

Except the camera was a GoPro.

[–]HiroariStrangebird 1 point2 points ago

Not really sure why you're downvoted. "Redditor finds camera on the beach" conveys exactly the same information as using the brand name.

[–]Batty-Koda 0 points1 point ago

Because he assumes that not saying it the way that he prefers, even though it conveys the same info, must mean it's malicious intent.

It's ridiculous to just assume because someone says "gopro" it must be marketting. Yes, one could say it as "camera" but there's nothing unnatural about saying "gopro" instead.

[–]NerdMachine 2 points3 points ago

Who cares though? If a vid is good it's good. I don't care where it came from.

[–]mdax8414 -2 points-1 points ago

I support GoPro. It's such an amazing product. If they get more exposure, we all get more awesome videos for minimal "inconvenience". Win win.

[–]Mambroze -1 points0 points ago

Imagine the sick HD sodomy footage we are going to crank out once we deck our room out in GoPro's.

[–]mdax8414 0 points1 point ago

I'll bring the lube, bruh.

[–]rgumai 0 points1 point ago

eh people on reddit believe what they want, I posted a pic of my Hero 3 after it was knocked off during a skydiving collision and landed on asphalt, and a few people decided it was some sort of viral marketing attempt. (The case was shattered but the camera survived).

[–][deleted] ago


    [–]NerdMachine 2 points3 points ago

    2 was fake? source?

    [–]Jinkeez 1 point2 points ago

    The thing that bothers me the most is how the contents of the memory card are a few still photos and some short videos - all, small, download-friendly size (some even prominently featuring a cat, which Reddit loves) - which manage to showcase the camera's still, video, and audio capabilities under indoor, outdoor, and low lighting conditions, subtly demonstrate how it can be mounted to a bicycle, and even provide pricing information as the very first audible dialogue in one of the videos. That's all awfully convenient.

    [–]mdilty 0 points1 point ago

    Shouldn't it be called a redvertorial then?

    [–]MeatPiston -5 points-4 points ago

    [–]whatzefuk -2 points-1 points ago

    [–][deleted] ago


      [–]gartman222 -5 points-4 points ago

      things no one says: Redditor finds used cum tissue kleenex up his ass while being a cunt about advertising

      [–]jam_lannister -1 points0 points ago

      I'd never even heard of a Go Pro until a few months ago... Now I seem to see a thread about one on reddit every week. Definitly viral advertising. They probably hired out a service to upvote / comment too.

      [–]Checkrsgreen 24 points25 points ago

      From the title, I thought an orange tabby cat had walked 2500 miles with a go pro camera. the reality wasn't nearly as cool

      [–]fultron 1 point2 points ago

      The title makes it sound like Toby is a cat with a particular set of skills...

      [–]AvalonSilver 0 points1 point ago

      Would make a cool children's book.

      [–]Oddculus 30 points31 points ago

      Redditor for 3 days and this is their first post


      [–]192_168_XXX_XXX 1 point2 points ago

      Redditor for 3 days and this is their first post


      You're referring to the submitter, right? /u/fastattaq is over a year old and has a several pages of submissions. You can be upset about possible shilling, but you shouldn't just lie.

      EDIT: Retracted. /u/Oddculus is referring to the submitter of the /r/whatisthisthing post, not /u/fastattaq

      [–]TheRepostReport 4 points5 points ago

      I'm not sure who upvoted you but he means the original post not the /r/bestof repost. Click on the link and go to the original posting and look at the submitter. Their account is 3 days old.

      [–]192_168_XXX_XXX 0 points1 point ago

      I see. I misunderstood the post.

      [–]smellySharpie -1 points0 points ago

      For a long time I made a throwaway every post.

      I'm a bad man.

      [–]creegs -1 points0 points ago

      This is real. The original OP is a friend of mine. He put this on Facebook and a couple of us suggested he put it on reddit. No marketing conspiracy here I'm afraid...

      [–]ComplainyGuy 60 points61 points ago

      Can we -PLEASE- stop accepting GoPro tm reddit advertisements

      [–]Hezkezl 0 points1 point ago



      [–]doodies 11 points12 points ago

      nice try go pro

      [–]balancespec2 7 points8 points ago

      Plot twist: Redditor that found it works for GoPro

      [–]Kibethy 26 points27 points ago

      Thank god that the Redditortm found the GoProtm and was able to locate it because of that Cattm that is a Relieftm

      [–]formerlydrinkyguy77 -2 points-1 points ago

      +/u/dogetipbot 10 doge verify

      [–]anthracis417 15 points16 points ago

      GoPro, they make the best camera! GoPro.

      Go Pro


      [–]bloodsoakedcuntrag 0 points1 point ago

      Genuinely curious, what alternative do you recommend? I am going to be buying an action video camera this summer. My friends ALL have GoPro and recommend GoPro, but I would like something much cheaper if I could find something that wold have the same quality.

      [–]jitteryparasite 1 point2 points ago

      I've got a Sony Action Cam. I'm a pretty heavy Sony user, so it works great across all my devices. Its cheaper than GoPro too, which is nice. The only drawback I have seen is there isn't quite as many mounts for the camera, but that's not to say that there none at all. I recently shot at night with it too, and was blown away by how bright it was. If you're looking for an alternate, check it out.

      [–]zachmelo 1 point2 points ago

      How does it handle low light? Just bump the iso up? Usually you end up with a grainy image when you do that. Notice any quality reduction at low light?

      [–]jitteryparasite 1 point2 points ago

      I'm not gonna try and sound all official, because I am not a camera savvy person. I use the auto settings and let it ride. Just some casual observations on the low light: it was definitely more grainy, but like I said it was certainly better than what I was expecting. I'm getting my head mount in this weekend and I'm gonna try and do some underwater shots with it on my coming scuba trip, hope those turn out well.

      Its also worth mentioning how impressed I am with the image stabilizer. Slapped it on a four wheeler for some trail riding and it looked great. I suggest looking up some YouTube videos, they give a good idea of the Action Cam quality.

      [–]zachmelo 0 points1 point ago

      Awesome, thanks!

      [–]anthracis417 2 points3 points ago

      GoPro GoPro GoPro GoPro GoPro GoPro GoPro GoPro GoPro GoPro GoPro GoPro GoPro GoPro GoPro GoPro GoPro GoPro GoPro GoPro GoPro GoPro

      [–]busfullofchinks 0 points1 point ago

      A popular choice are the Drift HD series and Contour cameras in the motovlog communities

      [–][deleted] ago


        [–]AaronJizzles 3 points4 points ago

        Thanks GoPro PR guy

        [–]DaChewy33 1 point2 points ago

        You've just been downvoted by GoPro representatives!

        [–]Tomaxor 0 points1 point ago

        Have a nice day!

        [–]NerdMachine -2 points-1 points ago

        I've done some research on it, and there honestly aren't any great alternatives. If you want cheaper the others are fine but GoPro really is the best by a noticeable margin.

        [–]benedictm 8 points9 points ago

        Whats with all these GoPro's being found stories? is someone paying for them?

        [–]pakap 7 points8 points ago

        GoPro is, I'd imagine.

        [–]askthatguyoverthere 7 points8 points ago

        Why is the quality of the gopro footage so bad compared to the footage used in the commercials and in the Felix Baumgartner video?

        [–]masterhogbographer 18 points19 points ago

        Can't watch but perhaps it's one of the original gopros, they weren't amazing. "720p" sure but the lenses and sensors were crap if memory serves.

        [–]oh_lord 1 point2 points ago

        The one in the link was the Hero2, so, 1080p video out of the box. I didn't check the files, but I'm assuming he shot it at 1080p. He might have shot it at 720p or 900p, but I didn't check.

        You can configure the "field of view" on a Hero2, choosing between narrow, medium, and wide. What this equates to is a "digital zoom" which essentially blows up the centre part of the image to "zoom it in more". This can degrade quality.

        The footage you're used to seeing is also probably edited quite a bit. I use mine for snowboarding and skiing videos frequently, and out of camera, they don't look amazing. Instead, you need to drop them into an editing suite and boost the contrast and tone down the highlights a bit. They record a tremendously large amount of detail for what they are and can be pushed and pulled quite extravagantly, but out of the box, they leave a lot to be desired. They're exposure is always a bit off it seems.

        Again, didn't watch the video. This is total speculation.

        [–]Spacedrake 0 points1 point ago

        My friend has a current one and it can record 1440p, so they're improved a lot since then.

        [–]jonesmatty 1 point2 points ago

        My buddy once lost his SD card on a beach in Miami. Apparently when he was changing it and didn't quite get it in his pocket. It washed ashore in Vero Beach over 100 miles away. The person that found it located him through a picture of his father-in-law's business in Maine. They put it together and he got his SD card back. What is amazing is that the salt water didn't corrode the card and it was still usable.

        [–]tranam 3 points4 points ago

        GoPro Schill Finds Reddit on Front Page

        [–]ondablockslangnrock 7 points8 points ago

        Submitted 9 hours ago and just now reaching front page. GoPro shills must have just clocked into work.

        [–]Kruse 9 points10 points ago

        And the Reddit hivemind keeps falling for it over and over...

        [–]DogeCoined 4 points5 points ago

        It's starting to get bad enough that the admins need to make a statement to the community, people are wondering if they are being allowed to spam reddit in some kind of backroom deal.

        [–]throwinit9 5 points6 points ago

        Reddit is easy to manipulate if you have a good advertising team. I bet each person on their staff has 100 accounts simultaneously logged in so that they can break through the barrier of /r/new in a matter of minutes. That's why all of the advertisements on the front page have like +2500 with 45 comments (most of which are overly witty).

        [–]CCCPAKA 1 point2 points ago

        My mom found an iPad at the airport once. It was locked, but picture frame screen saver was enabled. I was looking through album to find some info about it's owner. It had tons of family pics, but burried among them was one from company picnic, with company banner in the background. Called the company, asked if anyone lost an iPad - turns out out was company owner's.

        Left message, didn't hear back for 2 days. Then get a call from the owner - he didn't sound too anxious to get it back and asked me to ship it to him. I did - in return got a check for for my shipping charges +$50.

        Feel somewhat conflicted, as no-one ever went through the type of trouble I did to reunite lost property with its owner.

        Tl;dr - found ipad, found owner through pics, got $50 for my trouble from the nonchalant owner

        [–]skillian -1 points0 points ago

        $50 isn't bad for looking through some pictures and making a phone call.

        [–]CCCPAKA 2 points3 points ago

        And then driving to FedEx, packing it, shipping it, etc. Let's put it this way - my time is more valuable. But I didn't do it with the expectation of reward. So, I guess it is ok.

        [–]TitaniumTurtle[🍰] -2 points-1 points ago

        Can we all just agree that these "found a GoPro Hero3+ ® " posts are shameless advertising. I mean, who the hell would loose a $300 camera this often, even so, how the hell are they constantly found just lying about.

        I see these posts by the same name weekly, by this point I expect that your life is not complete unless you just come across a GoPro Hero3+ ® lying around at least once a month.

        [–]GritBlast 7 points8 points ago

        The type of person who buys these $300 action cameras are riding $3000 bicycles down mountains, jumping out of planes, or kayaking wild rapids. It's not like they just set it down and forget about it. The types of activities these cameras are used in also explains why they wind up on the front page all the time. Who doesn't want to experience the first person view of a class 5 rapid?

        [–]intersurfer5 0 points1 point ago

        Can confirm. Lost a Gopro while surfing. I'm sure someone found it.

        Also, they should really make them float without the floaty add on.

        [–]deanykg 1 point2 points ago

        who the hell would loose a $300 camera this often, even so, how the hell are they constantly found just lying about.

        GoPros are marketed towards athletes and jock-types. I think it's reasonable to think that the average shopper would tend to lose/break their new toy camera just as they would a cellphone.

        But then again, maybe GoPro learned from that first "Fire Fighter rescues a kitten" video where they did everything in-slow mo with sappy music and a GoPro bump right before and after it and they are trying to be more subtle now.

        ...and capitalizing on live cats instead of dead ones.

        [–]7orange9 4 points5 points ago

        I'm not saying this isn't advertising. I think most of these posts are. But I worked at a ski resort and people turned in lost go pros almost daily. The nature of the sports they are used for make them pretty easy to lose.

        [–]bloodsoakedcuntrag 3 points4 points ago

        Can we all just agree that these "found a GoPro Hero3+ ® "

        That ain't what the title said. In fact, I haven't seen a specific model in any of the titles.

        [–]busfullofchinks 0 points1 point ago

        The pic was a hero 2, an incredibly outdated version

        [–]TitaniumTurtle[🍰] 0 points1 point ago

        I was being facetious.

        [–]violetjune 3 points4 points ago

        I have an orange cat named Toby!

        [–]MoishePurdue 1 point2 points ago

        Me too!

        [–]DaChewy33 0 points1 point ago

        You should rename it GoPro.

        [–]groovemonkey 1 point2 points ago

        ITT: lots of tinfoil fedoras

        [–]dude500 3 points4 points ago

        This isn't marketing or anything.

        Nor was that video with the pigs.


        [–]ashinn 2 points3 points ago

        Hey all, OP here. After scanning the comments, I feel like I'm walking into an angry mob, but I have to say I've got no connection with GoPro and never have owned one personally. I was actually really bummed when I got the footage off the card (after tearing it in half to clean the salt off the contacts) because I was hoping for a surf crash, or a skydiving accident or ... something other than cats and rocks.

        A few friends on Facebook encouraged me to post to r/WhatsInThisThing and less than a day later Reddit figured out who the original owner was and put me in touch with him. If anything, this is an endorsement for the staggering power of Reddit, rather than for a camera company or a memory company.

        That's all. This story is was my first post and it was awesome to see so many cool things happen because of it. Please don't lynch me.

        [–]poppajay 1 point2 points ago

        Nice story - still don't believe you.

        [–]fastattaq[S] 0 points1 point ago

        Thanks for chiming in. Had I known reddit hates GoPro so much, I might not have linked it in /r/bestof. Having since made it to the front page of reddit in the last few hours, the story has gotten a lot of attention. I'm sorry if it's causing you any grief. I just thought it was an amazing story, considering how little information there was available on the original owner. A camera was reunited with its owner, identified only through a Washington DC city street and one of 100 Million cats in America, and of course the power of Google. That's incredible.

        And for the record, I have nothing to do with GoPro whatsoever. I don't even own one! Shit, I've never even held one! The claims that suggest this thread was endorsed by GoPro are ridiculous.

        [–]BeadyPete 0 points1 point ago

        He would be a pro over at /r/picturegame

        [–]formerlydrinkyguy77 0 points1 point ago

        [–]Sw33tActi0n 0 points1 point ago

        Comon people. This is just an advert pandering to us to sell gopro cameras. Can we not upvote marketing?

        [–]dideroted 0 points1 point ago

        another day, another gopro add on the frontpage

        [–]WhatIsTheQOfLife 0 points1 point ago

        I'm really sick of the GoPro marketing department constantly posting to reddit.

        [–]WillofaTemplar 0 points1 point ago

        /r/HailCorporate. Come on guys. Are you all so blind to not see how much of an advertising shill this user is? He is 3 days old, with one post. Get a clue reddit and stop letting the shills run rampant.

        [–]schunniky 0 points1 point ago

        I'm betting if I uploaded one of my favourite videos I shot on my GoPro I'd too be labeled a GoPro shill judging by the tinfoil conspiratists in this thread. Jesus Christ!

        [–]afghans9411 0 points1 point ago

        Plot twist: Redditor that found it works for GoPro.

        [–]Guyd 0 points1 point ago

        Anyone could say it was theirs.

        [–]trollingfromwork 0 points1 point ago

        Good thing that camera wasn't in a room with Hitler and Bin Laden.

        [–]Calithepug 0 points1 point ago

        That's the cat that gave me the clap!

        [–]hoorayfortoast 0 points1 point ago

        Yo name is TOBY!

        [–]adiultrapro 0 points1 point ago

        God dammit, is it hip to do some sort of GoPro-message-in-a-bottle'ing nowadays?

        [–]twigburst 0 points1 point ago

        Such bullshit. 2500 miles my ass.

        [–]fastattaq[S] 5 points6 points ago

        2500 is an estimate I came up with. I used Google maps. Do you have a better suggestion?

        [–]fappingit2u -5 points-4 points ago

        A better suggestion would be to ignore this obvious promotion of GoPro cameras. This is viral marketing.

        [–]Frankentim_the_crim -5 points-4 points ago

        Fuck you. Go away.

        [–]dude500 -1 points0 points ago

        I fucking love you. Haha.

        [–]twigburst -4 points-3 points ago

        That its bullshit.

        [–]quaybored -1 points0 points ago

        Seriously GoPro, fuck off.

        [–]IDontKnowHow2Save -1 points0 points ago

        [–]pakap -1 points0 points ago

        Wait, there's still activity in WhatsInThisThing? I thought it spontaneously dissolved in shame after the safe fiasco.

        [–]Gidding -3 points-2 points ago

        Dat cat fountain tough.

        [–]imheretomeetmen -1 points0 points ago

        Don't be stupid, you will buy this product.

        [–]Mulsanne -2 points-1 points ago

        This is a pretty sweet viral ad.

        [–]FantasyFoody -2 points-1 points ago

        What ever happened to Finders, Keepers, losers weepers... man this society is fucked, this is why everything is messed up. People are getting too soft, if I lost my wallet I would hope someone would take all of the money and throw away the wallet. Because that is what I would do.

        [–]PitBullTherapy -1 points0 points ago

        I'm about 2500 miles from where I lost my GoPro (in Lake Tahoe). So there's hope!

        [–]Frankentim_the_crim -5 points-4 points ago

        Ok now I have no doubt that these occurrences are simply viral marketing by gopro. Fuck this shit. Mods, do your goddamn job for once.