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New search

How to launch a query

Simply enter your keywords, separated by spaces in the search field, and click "Go".
For compound words, use quotation marks, example: "New York"

Syntax Elements
The following syntax elements will help you refine your search:

  • ANDFind images which contain the both keywords
  • ORFind images which contain either keyword
  • NOTFind images which do not contain this keyword
  • ( )Group keywords and apply a syntax element to this series of keywords
Example: City AND Night
Example: Cats OR Dogs
Example: Woman NOT Man
Example: Woman NOT (Man OR Child)

Complex request example: "New York" AND Night NOT (Cars OR People)
> Images representing New York at night without cars or people.

Type of contents
You can choose to restrict search results to show only images, vector illustrations, or videos in the search bar drop menu.

Keywords system

  • AdvancedKeywords are integrated into boxes when your query is launched.You can remove keywords by clicking on the "x".You can also edit keywords by clicking on the word itself. Once edited, click "Go" to refresh the results page.
  • BasicIf you are a hotkey and shortcut addict, the basic system which works like all internet input fields.

Note: To switch between basic and advanced, click on the keyword system link to the right of the "Go" button.


Order by

By default, the results are ordered by relevance, but you can easily modify the order to see the newest files first (Creation), the cheapest files first (Price), the best sellers first (Downloads) or the most popular files (Popularity).


You can choose to display only the most recent results thanks to this filter. Last week, last month, last year... Just choose the period and enjoy our latest uploaded files!


Your image must be vertical or horizontal? Just specify it in this filter.


Adult filter: activated by default, it prevents from seeing offensive contents. Isolated: to access only isolated images Panoramic: to access only panoramic images


Choose the type of License you need from this filter.

Max Price

To display only images for which the price is limited to a certain amount. Just specify your max price for XS license and/or X license.


This filter allows you to refine your search to display only images from a determined descriptive category.


This filter allows you to refine your search to display only images from a determined conceptual category.

By color

Need a picture with your brand colors? Just define your color with our tool or the html color code to get the good images.

Advanced Search