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Off The Record Ep. 12: Arkham Knight, our MGSV impressions and South Park

Plus, we discuss what you think Rocksteady should do next

This week's episode of the CVG Off The Record we go Bat-mental and talk, at length, about Rocksteady's third entry in the Batman Arkham series.

Tamoor Hussain and Gav Murphy excitedly talk through some of the game's new mechanics, how they'd like the Batmobile to be integrated and the concept of the new villain: Arkham Knight. Meanwhile, Andy Robinson looks kind of bored and Chris tries his best to stay awake.

Moving on from that Andy can finally talk about what he played of Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes, and we mull over whether the length of the experience really matters. And finally, we all love South Park: The Stick of Truth and tell you why.


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