Government of India
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Grievance Registration Form

Entries Prefixed with * are Mandatory

* Grievance Pertains to
*Select Ministry/Department
* Grievance Pertains to

* Name
Complainant Category
Do You want to have a Password for this Grievance?
* Address
Phone No.
(ISD Code+STD Code-without '0' prefix+Tel.No) eg : 911123367688
Mobile No
(ISD Code & Mobile Number)eg : 919999999999
Email Id.

* Please enter Grievance Description upto 4000 characters
*Special charecters like ^ [ ^ { } ` ~ | ^ & # ! \ [ \ ] < > ] $ are not allowed.
* Have you earlier lodged the grievance to the above organisation on the same subject?
Please provide the details of Past Reference(s), with date :-
Reference Number (If any) Date of Reference

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* Please type the characters appearing in the image below:
Enter the above characters
Can't read? Try different words.

I hereby state that the facts mentioned above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
* Recommended Browsers * 1. Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher for Windows (get latest Internet Explorer browser) ******2. Mozilla Firefox 3.0 or higher for Mac, Windows, and Linux (get latest Firefox browser)