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Were they really on a break? Instagram pictures emerge of Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union looking loved up exactly nine months before birth of his lovechild
Author of reported comment:
Siesta Key Johnny, Florida, United States
01/1/2014 20:15
Comment ID:
The article states...."Aja Metoyer gave birth to Dwyane's third child on November 10 but he and Gabrielle have weathered the storm and are now happily engaged." Let me dissect this. 3rd child? 1.) By how many different women? 2.) Weathered WHAT storm? Being together for 9 months is not "weathering" ANYTHING, OK? 3.) Are happily "engaged"? Not married? Look honey, an engagement ring is a PROMISE, nothing more. A WEDDING is a commitment. So enough with the "happily engaged" crap, and try working on being HAPPILY MARRIED instead, you fake posers. Schmucks like this disgust me with their BS euphemisms.
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