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She's electric! Olivia Wilde dresses her large baby bump in bright blue jumper while shopping for books
Author of reported comment:
stv, Buenos Aires, Argentina
21/3/2014 19:02
Comment ID:
you are not the only one who thinks that, i know in Hollywood there are beautiful actreses who dont look good in some photos, but they always look good in all their interviews, but Olivia Wilde has thousands of pics taken in REAL LIFE where she looks in that way or even worse and until now there are some interviews where she looks in that way or even worse, so i cant understand why many people think she is hot, i just need to see her facial features (in real life) and compare them with her photoshoots and the way she looks in her movies to notice Olivia isnt half sexy she looks on screen and magazines, so someone can tell me why she is considered beautiful ?? because i cant get it
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