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  • Car Parts - pay with paypal - offers a wide range of spare parts for all car brands. is an online shop, offering a huge section of new automotive spare parts, like exhaust pipes, brake discs, shock absorbers, brakes, ignition plugs, air filters, oil filters, brake pads, gaskets, body parts, headlights, wiper arms, and a whole variety of other spares. On our website you will quickly and easily find the necessary spare parts for almost any car maker, whether Opel, Mercedes-Benz, VW, Audi, BMW, Toyota, Mazda, Citroen, Peugeot, Renault, Honda, or other well-known automotive brands.

Our spare parts are new and have many advantages, among them - high quality and reasonable prices. A simple comparison of our pricing with other online retailers of automotive spare parts will convince you that creates significant competition due to very favourable pricing. Order the required spare parts via internet and enjoy a unique service. Delivery is fast, reliable, and throughout Europe. In case you cannot decide which spare part to order, our well trained and experienced experts will gladly help you to choose the best option. usually offers a whole variety of suppliers for identical parts. Order the necessary details on and take advantage of the OEM (Original equipment manufacturer) of our automotive parts. If you are not able to locate on our website some rare spare parts or fast-wear items, just give us a call and we will order the required items on demand directly from the manufacturer.

Brake discs, shock absorbers and filters are car parts wearing out very quickly and requiring frequent replacement. Unreasonably high prices may sometimes create serious inconveniences. cooperates with leading manufacturers such as Bosch, Beru, VALEO, PBX, and many others, thus offering very profitable prices for exhaust pipes, lights and many more. offers best quality auto parts at very competitive prices.