He Got A Good Idea From The Internet, Put It On A Cardboard Sign, And Made It Real

Carly Gillis

Chris Aschmoneit, a civil engineering major at the University of Connecticut, says that after watching a few videos about cardboard signs on Upworthy, he asked himself, "why not?" and decided to join in on the trend. So, he made a sign of his own — his says: "Wanna talk? I'll listen" — sat in a tree, and waited.

Sounds crazy, right? Well, read on to find out who he talks to, why he does it and, perhaps most satisfying of all, how his fellow classmates have responded.

"The basic idea behind this is for others to inspire kindness. Try to be kind to other creatures of this realm. If you see someone not having a good day, maybe go over and talk to them. You could end up making their life better by that one interaction. Try talking to people you may not normally associate with. Try to understand someone if they seem upset rather then getting upset back at them. Also understand that you are not the center of everything, look outward and see what others are going through, they might be dealing with a lot more and could use a little assistance."

"I have not gotten any spite or negative feelings from people at college, if anyone disagrees with me doing it, they don't voice it to me or anyone I know at college. I do occasionally get people to stop by and sit for a bit and I usually love our conversations. I meet so many interesting people; some are wacky, some are thoughtful, some are just outright funny. I get to have in-depth conversations with each of them; either about them, me, or random subjects. It's also nice just to have pleasant human interaction with new people."

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