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Junglee.com is India’s #1 search and comparison site for shoppers; each week millions of shoppers visit Junglee.com to find the best offers online. With over 30 million listings from over 1,900+ seller websites and 70,000+ local sellers, Junglee.com is the largest online organized selection of products in India. At one place, customers can find the best offers on leading e-commerce web sites such as Amazon.in, Jabong,HomeShop18, Indiatimes Shopping, Infibeam etc as well as popular brick and mortar stores like Croma, Ezone, Staples, Landmark and more. Through Junglee.com, customers can find the best online offers on virtually anything from mobile phones to magnets, fashion goods to furniture, books to baby products; even flowers, groceries and pet supplies. Customers can choose to buy products online by visiting a seller's site or can alternatively find a local seller close to their location. We list the address and phone numbers of the locals seller(s) in the seller information section on each product page –you can call up the seller and ask for price and availability of the product, before you even visit the store.

Junglee.com strives to make it easy for customers to find the best offers; with features such as product reviews, seller ratings, and personalized recommendations, Junglee.com help customers make the most informed purchase decision online. In fact, Junglee.com is the ideal place for bargain hunters as we currently feature Discounts Hub and daily offers from a number of reputed sellers, many of who deliver throughout the country. Junglee.com is a service provided by Amazon.