How it works

Upload Your Product Catalogue and Set Your Budget

When you register for Product Ads you will create a Seller Central account. You can upload your products manually in Seller Central or via FTP using the Product Ads file formats.

We create ads for your products using the information provided in your product file. When you set your budget, your ads will go live!

Shoppers See Your Ads on

Your ads will be targeted to shoppers searching for similar or related items on Shoppers will see your ads in many places including:

Search & Browse
Detail Page
Buy Box

Your ads will be targeted to customers looking for similar products on detail pages, in search and browse results and an ever increasing number of locations on

Search & Browse

Your ads will be targeted to customers looking for similar products on detail pages, in search and browse results and an ever increasing number of locations on

Detail Page

If your product is unique to the Amazon catalog we will create a new detail page.

Shoppers Click to Product Pages on Your Website

When shoppers click on an ad for your product, they will click-through to the product page on your website.

You Are Charged a Cost-Per-Click

You only pay when a shopper clicks on your ad and is sent to your website. The amount charged is based on your bid. Your bids are automatically set to the minimum for each bidding category. For optimal ad placement and to ensure that your ads appear over the ads of others, set your bids to the highest amount you are willing to pay for a click.

Shoppers Purchase Products from Your Website

You control the branding and purchase experience on your website. Shoppers who purchase from you directly become a part of your customer base.

Product Ads allows you to reach engaged shoppers on Amazon, acquire new customers, and increase sales.

Sign up and get £50 in free clicks!

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