Odds and Ends: 787 impact on Boeing; Pan Am Worldport follows the airline; KC-46A production

787 Impact on Boeing: Over at AirInsight, we write that the 787 grounding in the end has a small impact on Boeing. Find out why here.

Following Pan Am into oblivion: The famed Worldport will be demolished next year. Another piece of history will be gone, but our friend Benet Wilson thinks the demise is a good idea.

Speaking of history, did you realize Aloha Air Lines is still around, as Aloha Air Cargo?

KC-46A production begins: The Puget Sound Business Journal reports that production on the Boeing KC-46A USAF tanker begins shortly.

Plane Talking’s Air Show Preview: Ben Sandilands’ Plane Talking takes his look at the Paris Air Show preview today. Our Paris Air Show Preview will be coming next week. Tomorrow and Thursday we’re at Boeing all day for PAS briefings, all except program updates on the 737 MAX and today’s 777 under embargo until June 14 and the 2013 Current Market Outlook under embargo until June 11.

We’re particularly looking forward to the MAX briefing in light of the information linked yesterday to Daniel Tsang’s huge Boeing piece in which he touched on some MAX features.

Meantime, our colleague Addison Schonland will be going to the Airbus PAS briefing next week. We’ll link and follow his reports over at AirInsight.

8 comments on “Odds and Ends: 787 impact on Boeing; Pan Am Worldport follows the airline; KC-46A production

  1. Where do news sites like this get information such as the below that I’ve seen in type:

    “There are only two A350-800s scheduled for delivery in 2016, with the bulk in 2017″


  2. Thank you, so taken with a grain of salt then as Airbus does not supply them with delivery positioning when an order was placed so it’s Ascend’s best guess or if they happen to get an airline that tells them when they ask though this is usually pretty rare.

  3. Good riddance to JFK’s T3 the ex-worldport. Best remembered as it originally was, not for the mess it became.

    Now if Delta would also hire some bulldozers to drive thru T2 . . . [the old Eastern terminal dating back to the late 50's/early 60's]

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