BirdStriker main

VIDEO: Birds are liquefied by deflection device for aircraft...

For the last 18 months US carriers have grappled with delays to their inflight connectivity and live television programs due to the FAA’s he... Continue Reading


Closed captioning for IFE is coming, though not soon enough

Deaf and hard of hearing (HoH) passengers have been calling on airlines to offer closed captioning (CC) of IFE for years. But even though US... Continue Reading

shopping cloud merchandising

Airlines work to crack the science of high margin merchandis...

Merchandising is a popular buzzword tossed around by airlines worldwide. But as carriers across all business models constantly talk about cr... Continue Reading

sexual harassment

It’s time for some boys to check their privilege in-fl...

Melanie Friend is the type of chick that oozes confidence. She rocks a vixen red hair ‘do’, owns her circa 50s femme-style, and has in... Continue Reading

Geven Comoda PED rack 2

Will an efficient PED rebel army spell the demise of embedde...

Last weekend, I went up to visit my alma mater and my old friends, and witness the rare sight of sunshine in Binghamton. I picked up a frien... Continue Reading

BirdStriker main

VIDEO: Birds are liquefied by deflection device for aircraft...

For the last 18 months US carriers have grappled with delays to their inflight connectivity and live television programs due to the FAA’s he... Continue Reading