Pratt & Whitney PurePower Engine

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Pratt & Whitney PurePower Engine

PurePower® Engine: You Have to Hear It to Believe It

2,253 views 3 days ago
The PurePower® PW1000G engine slashes aircraft noise footprints by up to 75 percent. At up to 20 decibels below today's strictest standards, the PurePower® engine is the quietest engine in its class. Listen to how Pratt & Whitney's Geared Turbofan™ engine is changing everything. Play the video to hear the noise difference during takeoff between a conventional engine and the PurePower® engine.
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The PurePower® PW1000G engine slashes aircraft noise footprints by up to 75 percent. At up to 20 decibels below today's strictest standards, the PurePower® engine is the quietest engine in its class. Listen to how Pratt & Whitney's Geared Turbofan™ engine is changing everything. Play the video to hear the noise difference during takeoff between a conventional engine and the PurePower® engine. Show less
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