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Madrid Spain Travel Guide

Madrid Essentials: Guide to Everything About Spain's Capital


Madrid plaza cibeles post office

Madrid's main post office(!)

Image: Damian Corrigan

Madrid is the capital of Spain and likely to be most people's starting point for a Spanish vacation (the other likely starting point being Barcelona). Madrid's central location makes it perfect for starting your journey around Spain. On this page you'll find information on Madrid hotels, day trips from Madrid, bullfighting, skiing in Madrid and much more.

Most of what you'll find on this page is for when you've done with planning flights and hotels, etc. If you still have that to do, check out: Planning your Madrid Vacation


Most Popular Resources About Madrid Spain

  1. 100 Things to Do in Madrid
    Now you won't run out of things to do in Madrid.
  2. Spain Tours from Madrid
    Tours of Spain departing from Madrid.
  3. Weather in Madrid
    Should you expect rain or shine when you visit Madrid?
  4. Bullfighting in Madrid
    Information about bullfighting in Madrid, including how to buy tickets.
  5. Madrid Sightseeing Tour Bus (book direct)
    Hop-on-hop-off bus around Madrid.
  6. Four-Day Tour of Andalusia from Madrid (book direct)

    Explore Andalusia from Madrid.

  7. Tapas Tour in Madrid (book direct)
  8. Madrid Discount Card
    The Madrid Discount card gets you free entry to lots of Madrid attractions - but is it worth it?
  9. Food in Madrid
    Everything you need to know about eating out in Madrid.

Madrid by Night

Madrid Tours

Things to Do in Madrid Spain

Outside Madrid


Free Things in Madrid

Madrid Spain Transport Information

For more resources on traveling to and from Madrid, see Madrid Spain Transport Essentials

Miscellaneous Info About Madrid Spain


Pictures of Madrid Spain

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