UKIP hopes to clean up at Euro polls

UKIP leader Nigel Farage claims his party could top the polls at next month's European elections.

If it were to do so, it would be the first time since World War One that any party other than Labour or the Conservatives had won a nationwide election.

It's the kind of odd statistic pollsters are having to grapple with right now. Something that seemed inconceivable just four years ago doesn't seem quite so unlikely any more.

Who are UKIP's new voters?

The big decision for the party will be one of power versus protest - can they govern and still seem like the radical alternative to the status quo?

To find out more, I went to see UKIP at work in Ramsey, Cambridgeshire, which, in 2011, became the first town in the UK to be controlled by the party and has since had two UKIP mayors.


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