Leftist Hack Oliver Stone Loves Putin

By Brandon Martinez

Oliver Stone is a vanilla leftie who loves any foreign dictator that “stands up” in some form or fashion to the US. So it’s no surprise that he just did a series of fawning interviews with Putin, which will be released as a documentary. In an interview with Stephen Colbert, Stone doubled down on his admiration for the Russian tyrant.

Stone previously made documentaries glorifying Marxist Latin American leaders like Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Evo Morales of Bolivia. Stone does the leftist standard circuit of licking the backsides of any government leader, no matter how oppressive, that isn’t cooperating with the US on some front.

Colbert pressed Stone on Putin’s oppressive authoritarian system which has trampled on free speech, jailed and harassed political opponents, and assassinated the most strident critics of the regime. Stone’s lame response was that he “supports free speech” but refused to condemn Putin for constructing an Orwellian police state in Russia where even social media posts critical of the Kremlin can land you in jail for years. Stone then grumbled about how Putin was a poor victim of unfair “abuse” by the media.

Stone’s son Sean is a conspiratard who believes in every imaginable conspiracy theory and has a show on Russia Today called “The Hawks.” They’re both afflicted with a leftist myopia that sees no other evil in the world besides that of the US government/establishment. All other oligarchies/establishments, like those in Russia, China, Iran, etc., are lionized as “victims” of “the empire.” Only the US and its allies are deemed  “bad,” whereas the rest of the world are innocent doves who just want to sing kumbaya with their neighbours. This one-track thinking is the basis of all leftist “anti-imperialist” presumptions and the reason leftists are such slimy apologists for any backwards tyranny outside the Western hemisphere.

Some rightists also have a love-in with Putin on the sole basis that Russia is “less liberal” on social issues than Western states at the present time. If that’s the only criteria, then why don’t these pro-Putin rightists pack up and move to Russia and embrace the “White man’s paradise”? They won’t do that because they know their standard of living would significantly decrease once they enter the Putinist Utopia.

George Galloway’s Absurd Double Standards

By Brandon Martinez

This video does a good job exposing the absurdist double standards of leftist British politician George Galloway.

Galloway is shown headlining an “anti-war” protest in 2015 when Britain was having a vote on whether to join the anti-ISIS coalition air war in Syria and Iraq. At that time Galloway and other leftists were protesting against Britain’s attempt to join that coalition to defeat ISIS. Yet strikingly, Galloway, a paid contributor to both Iran’s PressTV and Russia’s RT, came out full-stop in support of Russian and Iranian military intervention in Syria to do the exact same thing. He is quoted on his PressTV show saying he’s “not against airstrikes in Syria, only Western airstrikes.” Galloway joyously welcomed airstrikes by Russia when that country entered the conflict in 2015 on the side of Assad.

As Christopher Hitchens pointed out, Galloway is not anti-war, he’s just “on the other side of it.” Galloway backs military interventions by Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and presumably other regimes and groups so long as they’re on the side of his favourite dictators in the Middle East. Another video shows Galloway’s hypocrisy on the Arab Spring uprisings in 2011, where he supported the demonstrations against pro-Western monarchies in the Persian Gulf as well as against the pro-US Egyptian dictator Mubarak. But once the Arab Spring came to Syria, he denounced it as an evil Western plot to depose the “innocent” Assad regime. Galloway also derides oppositionists in Iran, Cuba, Russia and China as “Western agents,” backing those tyrannies with vigor.

Fastening his Maoist Commie cap to his head, Galloway sings praises of all dictatorships that are presumably of an anti-Western bent. The fact is that Galloway is a radical leftist literally in the pay of Iran and Russia as a contributor to their state propaganda channels. His stance on Syria is therefore in line with those governments who pay him to propel propaganda for their war effort. He supports Russian and Chinese expansion in the Middle East and Africa because he wishes the world to be ruled by a Russo-Sino communist empire. Anyone who disagrees with Galloway’s radical left platform will be jailed or executed in his utopian state. When will this Bolshevik be charged as a foreign spy for Russia and Iran?

Antifa Gutter Punks Keep Getting Trashier

Commentary by Brandon Martinez

The “Antifa” (antifascist) crowd have always been composed of degenerate hippies, fat slobs, drug addicts, and, apparently, dreadlocked freaky girls who do raunchy hair-fetish porn. Meet “Moldylocks,” aka Louise Rosealma aka Emily Rose Nauert, the 20-year-old Antifa radical who got waylaid by an Alt-Righter at the recent Berkeley riot.

When she’s not “collecting Nazi scalps,” she apparently undresses herself in front of a camera to show off her vomit-inducing hairy underarms and vagina area. Contradicting her own self-professed feminist Antifa views, she claims in the porn video that she actually likes “being restrained” and “dominated” by her (presumably) male partners in bed. Meanwhile, through her delinquent Antifa activism she seeks to tear down the “patriarchy” (aka male domination) in the broader society. These contradictions are commonplace for Antifa gutter punks who literally believe in nothing besides smashing, trashing, stinking up and degrading everything around them to conform with their preferred vagabond lifestyles. Antifa are in actuality “anti-civilization,” aka nihilistic punks who want to tear down all forms of order and hierarchy so as to drag humanity down to a state of barbarism.

They advocate for nothing besides repeating stale old Marxist and Leninist platitudes about the evils of capitalism and “white supremacy.” They’re not truly against “racism” because they are themselves engaged in an organized racist campaign to attack, shame and disempower white people in their own homelands. If anything, Antifa are essentially anti-white racists hell bent on chasing the last white person out of their job and livelihood to atone for the presumed sins of their forefathers.

Years ago I recall seeing videos of Canadian Antifa stalking and harassing Ernst Zundel, a German-Canadian publisher who spearheaded revisionist research into the Holocaust mythology of the Second World War and who paid dearly for his honest work. Those videos made my blood boil and sparked my own interest and activism in alternative history and politics. It was sickening watching ideologically hollow street bums stalk and assault an honourable man who simply sought to get at the truth of what really happened in his country of birth during a war.

Antifa have always been little more than violent foot-soldiers for the anti-white segment of the globalist Jewish establishment. In fact, there was an old video showing a Jewish official from the B’nai B’rith (the main lobbying arm of international Zionism & Masonry) in Canada actively lobbying the provincial government of Ontario to fund Antifa. So we had there a case of self-interested Zionist Jews puppeteering low-brow savage communists and assorted leftist agitators to go after one of their chief adversaries in the realm of historical research. A literal case of “shut it down” subterfuge at work. And that’s still what’s happening today on the streets of Europe and North America, as we see a leftist militancy metastasize after the surprise election of the populist, civic nationalist Donald Trump.