Against Antisemitism in Cologne

A tourist visiting Cologne will almost immediatly be confronted with pure antisemitism. In front of the cathedral a man called Walter Herrmann shows antisemitic cartoons and demonizes Israel and Jews. The Cologne Court now ruled that this antisemitism is covered by freedom of speech. Rainer Wolf, a spokesman for the public prosecutor in Cologne says: “The exhibit of Walter Herrmann in Cologne’s Cathedral Square in the heart of the bustling pedestrian zone does not meet the criteria of inciting hate”.

A lot of Cologne people are outraged by this decision. The majority of the Cologne politicans are outraged, too. The Conservatives, the Liberals and the Green Party strongly oppose the antisemitism in the heart of Cologne and the decision of the public prosecutor. Only the left wing parties and with them the major of Cologne keep silent and tolerate Herrmann’s diatribes against Israel.

It is Walter Herrmann who brought back the cartoons and the ideology of the Nazis and a german court supports him.

In Germany especially the judicial power shows a dangerous blindness towards antisemitism. While the cartoons showed by Walter Herrmann are considered to be covered by freedom of speech, the showing of the flag of Israel is not covered by freedom of speech.

In the German city of Duisburg the police force broke into a private appartement to remove a flag of Israel in the window because a group of antisemites were “offended” by it.

In the German city of Bochum a woman was fined € 300,-, because she showed the flag of Israel. If she had burned the flag she would have been covered by freedom of speech, (German version of freedom of speech I might add).

The German city of Kassel made it illegal to publically show the flag of Israel on demonstrations, while the flag of the Iran for example is allowed to be shown on demonstrations.

Germany makes it very clear: In Germany antisemitism is covered by freedom of speech, Jewish pride is not!

Please show the public prosecutor in Cologne that antisemitism is not speech but a crime, especially in Germany, where the cartoons and the ideology used by Walter Herrmann today, were once used to realize the holocaust!

Join for example my facebook group “Against Antisemitism in Cologne”.

Take action. Contact Your local press and Your politicians and tell them what is going on in Germany. Make this scandal public. Don’t turn away.

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