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B.C. Arts Council Calendar of Events

Browse the calendar for events in your community or add your event to the calendar.

Vancouver Art Gallery

See what's on at the gallery and buy tickets online.

Royal BC Museum

Plan a visit to the Royal BC Museum, B.C.'s largest museum, and catch the First Peoples Gallery, the Natural History Gallery and many more exciting exhibits.

Arts & Cultural Guide to B.C.

Browse this online resource for arts & cultural attractions, activities and events taking place around the province.

Arts & Culture

B.C.’s arts and culture scene is rich and diverse.  Discover our museums, local artists and art galleries, historic sites, libraries, theatres, dancers, films, musicians and authors.


Art Galleries

Public Libraries

Performing Arts



Historic Places

British Columbia’s historic places – buildings, structures, landscapes, historic districts and other places of heritage value – are crucial to our understanding and appreciation of the identity and character of our communities. By conserving and celebrating these places, we contribute to the future of our communities.