Monday, June 30, 2008

Life Imitates Art

NBC Universal has settled a $105 million lawsuit brought by a woman who claimed a televised sex sting by "Dateline NBC: To Catch A Predator" drove her brother to kill himself.
I've expressed concerns before, but it looks like South Park totally nailed it.

[Via SayUncle/View from the Porch]

The Wicked Official: A Fable

The following is a work of fiction involving fictional characters. Any similarities with real persons, living or dead, and actual events is purely coincidental.

Once upon a time, in a faraway empire, there lived a wicked official who worked in the Bastion of Assault, Terror, Fraud and Usurpation.

Now this man was known throughout the Bastion for his ill temper and abusive ways.

One day, one of his maidservants, the comely wife of one of his guards, entered his ministerial chamber in the course of her duties.

"Aha!" cried the wicked official, who coveted her. "Come here, wench, so that I may feel the ripeness of your fruits!"

With that, the wicked official grabbed lustily at her breasts.

Horrified, the maidservant ran from the chamber to her husband, and told him what had transpired.

Furious--for even though he knew he was part of a band that plagued the land, he still had his pride as a man--the guard rushed to confront the wicked official, and finding him, dashed him to the ground.

Now the wicked official was, as is often the case with abusive and arrogant men, a coward. Rather than fight man-to-man, he drew his service wea...uh...sword, and pointed it at his insubordinate guard, who knew if he did not surrender he would surely be struck down.

When word of this reached the Emperor's minister, who perused a personnel file thick with performance deficiencies, the wicked official was ordered to temporarily turn in his gun, go to anger management classes and take a walk every afternoon during business hours, where he spent his time throwing rocks at traffic signs.

Until one day, he retired with full pension and benefits, but despite this, remained angry and bitter until the end of his days.

The End

Personally, I prefer fairy tales with happier endings...

I've Been Meaning to Bring this Up...

...and keep getting derailed by projects and this thing called life...

I just want to remind everyone that if you're looking for a summation of blogs dealing with RKBA, you owe it to yourself to bookmark The Liberty Sphere and consult it frequently.

And it's not just an aggregator--D. Martyn Lloyd-Morgan does his share of original and insightful commentary, too.

I've been thinking of doing a regular feature, kind of a WaronGuns' Blog of the Week. So many of you out there are doing such good things that deserve to be recognized, but more often than not I get preoccupied with my own agenda and don't steer people to your sites as often as I should.

Consider Liberty Sphere the first one. Thanks for the work you do.

Bob Barr Poster Contest: It's On

[Poster design by ryanmguard]

We talked about this here.

Since that time, there has been no response from either the Bob Barr campaign or the Libertarian Party. Indeed, the LP continues to beg support from gun owners via solicitations that ignore emails we have sent to them. They even issue media statements saying the other candidates are "get[ting] free passes on [the] gun issue."

Well they don't get a free pass either. Don't tell me you've got a "pro gun" candidate when he has endorsed and introduced edicts as offensive to Liberty as any.

If the "Party of Principle" thinks their best course is to continue ignoring this rather than addressing it squarely, that's their choice. But some of us aren't going to stay silent while they do.

Western Rifle Shooters Association introduced their poster last week. Now we have this one.

Let's have a contest.

Design a Barr/Lautenberg poster of your own. If you have a blog, post it and send me a link so I can send traffic your way. If you don't, just send me your graphic as a .jpg file.

I'll post them as I get them, and will pick a time--maybe two weeks from now--to present them together. I still have to figure out how to select a "winner" and what prize I can come up with, but what the heck--let's have some fun.

And feel free to let the LP and Barr campaign know about this.

UPDATE: Good one!

Some Gun Rules We Can All Agree On

Excuse me...

I don't agree.

If I don't obey, are you going to kill me?

[Via Michael G]


For Erik Prince and Niccolo Machiavelli have very different ideas on the subject of mercenaries. Not that Erik Prince would even embrace that term. His employees are called "private contractors" not mercenaries. This is true in the same sense that prostitutes are now called "sex workers" to avoid the stigma.
Mike Vanderboegh examines our friends at Blackwater.

After you've read it, I have a couple questions I'd be interested in gleaning opinions on.

Per Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, Congress has the specific enumerated power to issue letters of marque and reprisal. We know that privateers played a part in protecting American interests in the past. And no less a Constitutionalist than Ron Paul has proposed resurrecting the practice.

What would that look like? Would a Blackwater or other private actor necessarily and always be a bad thing? How would such a system work and what kind of oversights would be needed? How would that differ from what we do now? What do we do now?

Do Blackwater ops fall under military procurement regs? Are there RFPs and bids? Do they have defense contract audit oversight? Do they ever employ government equipment, and if so, do they follow federal acquisition and government property regs, etc.? Or is this a hybrid, or even a creature all its own?

If you have thoughts, please share them.

We're the Only Ones Managing Emergencies Enough

A FEMA inspector, angered at a pedestrian who got in his way, allegedly took out a golf club, chased the pedestrian down and bashed him across the arm, breaking the club in the process...

According to the Cedar Rapids Police Department, Koley stopped the car, got out and insisted that "he didn't have to slow down, he was with FEMA."
That's almost as good as "Do you know who I am?"

Yeah, we do. You're a punk "Only One" with a totally unearned sense of importance. You're lucky someone didn't wrestle away that golf club and take a few divots out of your sorry back nine with it.

[Via Avg Joe]

The Heller Misdirection

Like the inhabitants of other formerly free societies, Americans are content to define "freedom" in terms of those liberties we are permitted to exercise. Yesterday's Supreme Court ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller is perfectly in harmony with this self-defeating concept of "freedom."

While everybody's popping champagne corks, William Norman Grigg issues a warning that we ignore at our peril. We need such critical examinations, especially since there will be no shortage of "practical" voices, ostensibly from "our side," dismissing such examiners.

I especially am moved by his observation that "the intellectual and psychological disarmament of our population is nearly complete."

[Via Ron W]

Heller High Water

My best friend is a Public Defender in Phoenix. Hard-corps Jew, entire family wiped out in the Holocaust except his dad (who was 17 at the time). Political Science professor as well - he and I went to college together, and he is a big 2nd Amendment supporter (for obvious reasons). We talked about Heller yesterday and here is what he has written, after reading it all - his lawyerly opinions are quite insightful, and should give us hope (and some fear) as well.

This really is a good analysis, and deserves wider distribution. Pay special attention to his concerns about registration.

On a side note, I finished and sent in my Heller column to the magazine yesterday, and thought I'd come up with an original title: "The Heller High Watermark." I see from Google that while that exact title hasn't been used, enough have jumped on the pun. I don't see much point in changing it now--I bumped an earlier submission to get this one in under the wire--and it looks like all the "good" puns (are there such things?) have already been exploited anyway.

[Via HZ]

We're the Only Ones Carrying Out the Intent of the Framers Enough

Undercover police officers who arrested four men on drug charges are under investigation after surveillance video proved the men they arrested committed no crime.

More of Steven Abootman...uh...Patrick Lynch's lift-a-finger-against-us-and-die "Only Ones," I see.

So happy over their ability to do whatever the hell they want to whoever the hell they want any damn time they want they're dancing with joy.

Tell me these are rare exception. Is this the behavior of any but those who know they can get away with it because they have over and over again, and who know corruption is so institutionalized into the system the exception is getting caught?

In the 6 months it took to clear the Colon brothers names, they lost their business and their savings.
Yeah, Jose and Maximo.

As ususal, the "Authorized Journalist" government watchdogs have dropped the ball again (or never bothered to pick it up).

What were the names of those lying, life-destroying thugs again...?

[Via Jeff R]

So Take a Tip from a Mayor Who Does...

Prosecutors are investigating whether Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon received thousands of dollars in gifts - including fur coats - from a prominent developer whose projects benefited from tax breaks and zoning changes she supported as City Council president, a document obtained by The Sun shows.

Not Mayor Against Guns Sheila...?

Are there no heroes left anywhere...?

We're the Only Ones Crowd-Dispersing Enough

French officials were probing Monday an incident that left 17 people injured, including a child in critical condition, when soldiers used live rounds in a weekend visitors day display.

Fifteen civilians, including five children, and two soldiers were injured on Sunday when members of a marines parachute regiment demonstrated a hostage liberation exercise to visitors at their barracks outside the southwestern city of Carcassonne, regional officials said.

Ah...Les Seuls...

Sarkozy's heroes showing everyone how liberated they'll make them...

This Day in History: June 30

Journals of the Continental Congress Articles of War, June 30, 1775

Sunday, June 29, 2008

PETA Will Choose Our Menus for Us

"Jessica Simpson might have a right to wear what she wants, but she doesn't have a right to eat what she wants."
Oh, really?

That must mean I don't, either. Or this guy.

And just what are you going to do about it, Alistair Currie? Pop this out at us?

On the other hand, the lunatic left going after celebrities is always great entertainment.

And that's enough blogging for today. I'm finishing my magazine column on Heller, due tomorrow, but first I have some leftovers from last night's barbecue, so a steak and eggs brunch is in order.

And no, I have nothing against people who make a choice to maintain a vegetarian diet. The operative word, of course, is "choice." Anybody presuming to tell another sovereign individual what they do and do not have a right to eat deserves to be pointed and laughed at, and if they persist, repelled.

Some Help Here...?

A person very close to me has a soon-to-be 11-year-old son he wants to get shooting instruction for. He would prefer it be a dispassionate and qualified teacher rather than himself or a relative, for a number of reasons, proper discipline being primary. He asked me to help him find an NRA-certified instructor who can provide introductory practical instruction for both handgun and rifle.

Does anyone know of a good and qualified instructor--one who is known, trusted, and good with kids--in the Summit County, OH area?

If so, please email me at dcodreaAThotmailDOTcom with contact information. Thanks!

Two from Orlando

WarOnGuns Correspondent Phillip C. just sent me two links:

After 217 years, Supreme Court affirms the right to bear arms
You're right, Phillip, when you say "They managed to slip a little bit of bias in, but it looks like they were trying to stay neutral for a change."

What I find most promising:
Q. Will the ruling allow those who are arrested or convicted on gun charges to challenge their cases?

A. Yes.
High-court ruling recognizes that gun laws only disarm victims
I don't completely agree with this guy, but his opinion piece promotes an individual right to a general audience, so it works in our favor. I do agree that Judge Scalia was being activist, and it may surprise you to find out I agree with a point made by Judge Breyer in his dissent, although obviously not for the same ultimate reason (see pg. 42-43 of Breyer dissent, or 155-156/157 of the .pdf file):
I am similarly puzzled by the majority’s list, in Part III of its opinion, of provisions that in its view would survive Second Amendment scrutiny. These consist of (1) “prohibitions on carrying concealed weapons”; (2) “prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons”; (3) “prohibitions on the possession of firearms by . . . the mentally ill”; (4)“laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings”; and (5)government “conditions and qualifications” attached “to the commercial sale of arms.” Ante, at 54. Why these? Is it that similar restrictions existed in the late 18th century? The majority fails to cite any colonial analogues.
Bingo. Sometimes your enemy hands you a chair. Don't be afraid to bash with it.

Scalia manufactured those unnecessary concessions out of thin air, and happy as most gun owners who haven't read the majority opinion are about the outcome, we damn well deserve to know it.

UK Crime Isn't the Only Thing Going Unreported

A study has claimed that much of the gun crime on Britain's streets goes unreported.
So when they tell us how much more tranquil the UK is, we might not be getting the complete story?

What a shock.

"Contrary to its commitment to be 'tough on crime'... the Government's criminal justice policy has been characterised by a reluctance to acknowledge the causal relation between income inequality and violent crime," it said.
In other words, don't remove the vicious elements from society, but implement more wealth-distributing socialism?

This is what ivory tower egghead Peter Squires calls "addressing causes and not just symptoms"?

Peter thinks "income inequality" is a cause, rather than--in general--a predictable result of poor choices, such as not paying attention in school, being lazy, relying on government, having unprotected sex and out-of-wedlock children, being immoral, hanging out with the wrong people...the enabling of which has been committed by the control-all state, as I tried to address in my "elephant" post, where I wrote about "populations most directly affected by and responsive to a continuing history of destructive government policies."

"Income inequality." That's a damned insult on generations that went before, immigrants like my ancestors who were poor, proud, honest and clean, and worked hard to create a better life for themselves and their children. It's an insult to those of us who know what it's like to do the most menial, dirty, tiresome, physically demanding of jobs for the lowest of wages.

As long as they have useful idiots like the good Professor Squires here, the masters can continue to ratchet up their controls, reaching longer and deeper. And producing the results that will allow them to go to the next step, then the next...

Mixed Messages

After Heller, The Gun Lobby’s “Slippery Slope” Is Gone; Reasonable Regulations Ahead


I think somebody forgot to give the playbook replacement pages to the Chicago Tribune.

And as for the "slippery slope" argument being a paranoid fiction of "the gun lobby"...

Y'know, change can sometimes be worrisome, and with the new post-Heller phase we're now entering into, it's comforting to know that some thing will remain the same. Like you still relying on deception...

Help Yourself!

General Sessions Court Judge Bob Moon said Friday that crime in Chattanooga "has become so rampant that it is no longer possible for the police department to protect our citizens."

He told a woman who had been pulled from her car and beaten in the head that she or her mother needed to "purchase a weapon, obtain a gun permit and learn to protect yourself."
Aw c'mon, judge--you know an attacker would just take it away and use it against her.

Why not give her some sound advice, like "give them what they want"?

[Via RCB]

Give Them What They Want

That's what we're supposed to do, right?

"It Could Set Precedent"

44-year old Andre Moore is being held at the 18th Police District by the very officers he apparently wanted to kill.

At least that's the message he allegedy sent out to the world in a disturbing, hate filled rant on YouTube.
For some reason I can't find the complete video, but what I've seen so far disturbs me significantly less than this one. And I fear a state-authorized armed force that will batter in a man's door, drag him to a cell and try to destroy his life with legal charges far more than I fear a frustrated, angry guy ranting on YouTube because he's fed up with the enforcers.

All you "Homegrown Terrorists" who comment on WarOnGuns be advised--if precedent is set, they won't end with the hapless Mr. Moore. And our great watchdogs for freedom, the "Authorized Journalists," will be right there in lockstep with "The Only Ones" as another enemy of the people gets dragged off to the gulag.

Here's the thing: If Moore can't say what he did about Philly cops, no one can say that about anyone. So does that mean they'll finally be coming for Ice-T?

How about Michael Reagan?

We're the Only Ones WWE Smackdown Enough

Despite the nature of Marquez's injuries, which included a broken jaw and bruises over her entire face, law enforcement authorities initially sided with the officer.
But she didn't die so she can tell her side, and there are too many witnesses now, and a video, so we need to give up one of ours for the good of the body.
"I've also seen the video, and I know what it shows. But what the video doesn't show is the operation of Wayne Simoes' mind at the time of this incident"...
I know what would be going through his mind if this was someone I loved.

Is it any wonder they think they're "The Only Ones" who should be armed?

[Via Andre D]

If You Won't Let Us Kill You, Will You at Least Commit Suicide?

In other words, rather than telling gun makers what to do, performance-based regulation would tell them what outcome they must achieve: Reduce deaths by guns. Companies that achieve the target outcomes might receive large financial bonuses; companies that don't would face severe financial penalties. Put simply, gun makers -- whose products kill even when used as directed -- would have to take responsibility for curbing the consequent public health toll.
Because carbon offset credits work so well for the environment and indulgences so well for the soul.

Say, would you mind stepping up on this crate and putting this rope around your neck? If you do mind, we'll force the issue, and stump for it under the banner of "common sense gun regulation."

Per McHenry County Sportsmen's Association:
Why would gun-makers agree to "performance-based" solutions where a government agency assesses penalty based on a manufacturers "share of the blame" when makers are already immune to civil prosecution from the consequences of a criminal's actions?
And they're right when they point out "This is wrong on so many levels..."

For instance, what is the value they'll place on a human life? Won't that open the door to outrage? The gun lobby thinks your child's life is only worth...

And this lie: "Our proposal is not a tax on gun sales."

Who do they think the costs will be passed on to?

And yeah, I can see these Tribune Company Marxists, whose Chicago affiliate proposed repealing the Second Amendment as the appropriate response to Heller--standing idly by while the government pays out rewards to gun makers. Yeah, that'll happen. More likely they'll back some collectivist "community leader" who will demand the money be turned over to them--for "youth programs," you understand...

Y'know, I hadn't even read the entire Times editorial when I made that carbon offset crack, but I see it's in there--are these charlatans predictable or what?

[Per Less]

This Day in History: June 29

Resolved, that thirteen thousand coats be provided as soon as may be, and one thereof given to each non-commissioned officer and soldier in the Massachusetts forces, agreeable to the resolve of Congress...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

In Soviet Russia, Government Rules YOU*

Just like in Soviet America.

I wonder if these Russians are still glad they came here?


We're the Only Ones Spoiling the Barrel Enough

A narcotics investigator with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department was arrested and charged with two felonies Friday, accused of selling a handgun to a convicted burglar.

Eight-year veteran Jason S. Barber, 32, was the fourth Indianapolis police officer and the third narcotics officer in the department to be arrested on felony charges in the past two weeks. There are 16 officers in the narcotics unit.

But there are "just a few bad apples," right? That's what we keep hearing. Everybody else is a stand-up guy.

If every one of the 16 narco-"Only Ones" didn't know about the corruption, they're too damned oblivious to be detectives. I just wonder how many of them haven't been caught yet.

Top heads should roll. Except they're the ones who set the tone.

"Highest integrity" my ... eye.

[Via Shermlock Shomes]

Lock Up Your Safety in the Parking Lot Law Upheld

A federal judge declined on Wednesday to stop Florida's new guns-at-work law from taking effect on Tuesday.
Not that such a law would have helped these victims.

Once the shooting starts, it's kind'a late to go to your car (and yeah, I know about Pearl--I'm talking about for the immediate targets).

The answer, of course, is to not just keep, but to bear.

[Via Jeffersonian]

A Suspension of Sorts

Wilmette has suspended enforcement of its 19-year-old ordinance banning handgun possession in the wake of a U.S. Supreme Court decision that appears to invalidate such bans.
I don't know who would have observed such a lunatic edict anyway, but I learned long ago what a fringe minority people like me belong to.

But this gives me another opportunity to reiterate a point I hinted at in the last "Update" to my "Heller Affirmed" post.

Say a lawsuit is brought in hostile territory, say Ninth Circuit country, like San Francisco. We're constantly reminded they are the most overturned circuit on the country, so we know they have a penchant for getting things wrong, and you know it's on purpose-- since it gives them a chance to extend their agenda, and many times keep it going-- knowing full well that SCOTUS doesn't take every case brought before it.

So I'm just sayin' it's not a gimme that a lawsuit will succeed. There's a possibility it will not, and the high court will refuse to hear it and resolve it--leaving "settled" law and precedent in that district, and a model to be emulated in others.

I bring this up not to say don't press forward, but rather to make sure we do it with eyes wide open. If a leader wants me to follow him into a fight, I want to make sure the risks have been assessed.

And as always, since I'm not a lawyer, I'll appreciate anyone who does have expertise educating me on this.

[Via HZ]

Repeal the Chicago Tribune

Repeal the 2nd Amendment
Well, if you can repeal one, why not the other?

Still, in the Trib's case, we may not need to do anything but watch them shrivel into further irrelevancy. And as more "Authorized Journalists" are "downsized" out, they may find themselves unable to obtain placement. The great big happy global public/private partnership they're so eager for the rest of us to transition to is finding out that ink-stained wretches, too, can be outsourced.

You've done our work. We have no further need for you.

[Via HZ]

UPDATE: Mike Vanderboegh weighs in with a letter to the idi...uh...editor:

re: Your call to repeal the Second Amendment

Provoking a bloody civil war by repealing the Second Amendment is an odd way to secure "public safety." Do you think American gun owners would simply stay quiet and do nothing if our God-given, inalienable rights (which are merely enumerated in the Bill of Rights and not created by it) were "legally" stripped from us? Don't extrapolate from your own cowardice. Just because you would do anything the government told you to do doesn't mean we would. And remember, we're the ones with the firearms.

Democracy, unrestrained by a constitutional republican framework, is three wolves and a sheep sitting down to vote on what, or who, to have for dinner. But by all means, go ahead and repeal the Second Amendment. The "sheep" will pull out a .45 and plug all three of your wolves before they can start drooling.

We're the Only Ones Calling BS Enough

Geez, did Daley turn on the bullshit today or what?

Second City Cop fights for the right of people to be armed and to defend themselves, and recognizes Bodyguarded Boss Daley for what he is. The "Only Ones" Files would be significantly smaller if more were like him.

[Via DJK]

This Day in History: June 28

The English fleet attacked the rude fort on the 28th of June; but the elastic palmetto logs proved an admirable defense, and a terrific bombardment of ten hours did little damage. On the other hand, the American fire was well aimed, and nearly every shot took effect.

Friday, June 27, 2008

A Distressing Dissent

...Miller was never convicted -- commentators noted this was pretty suggestive the court hadn't bothered to read Miller before citing it.

...I guess he didn't read the Perpich case, either, let alone verify the dates and who did what.
And this level of judicial incompetence doesn't rise (sink?) to the level of malpractice? Assuming it wasn't "willful"?

We have to let these demonstrably ignorant and corrupt vultures rule over our lives, and there's no recourse?

I know no politician would stick his neck out or be able to get anything done, but would somebody please educate a simple non-lawyer: Is there any kind of bar you could file a complaint with and seek some sort of discipline/reprimand? How does that work--or doesn't it?

[Via Avg Joe]

A Constitutional Straitjacket

It is too early to know how much of a constitutional straitjacket the new rule will create.

Freedom is slavery...where have I heard that before?

It's been well over a decade. I guess I won't hold my breath waiting for an admission that they were wrong...

There's a Simple Explanation

The "birth certificate" claimed by the Barack Obama campaign is not certified as authentic and appears to be a photoshopped fake.

Hey, he's The Lightworker, "an attuned being...who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment."

What makes people think he's of this Earth?

I can't wait for this scene to play out at the Inauguration:
Look at me, Damien. It's all for you!

We're the Only Ones Facing Economic Hardships Enough

Five Summit County sheriff's deputies facing trial in the 2006 death of a county jail inmate were returned to the payroll this week but will not resume their law-enforcement duties until their court cases are resolved, agency officials said Wednesday.

Citing an economic-hardship clause in the agency's contract with the deputies, sheriff's legal counsel Christine Croce said, the deputies charged in the inmate's death submitted letters to the sheriff asking to be reinstated to the payroll.

We in the private sector paying for this all have clauses like that with our employers, don't we? I mean, I'm sure they can't be "The Only Ones" who can't do their job but still get paid--can they?

And do peruse the comments on this one.

We're the Only Ones Messianic Enough

Ex-Traffic Cop Says He's Jesus

So an "Only One" thinks he's God and if we don't obey and worship him we'll be destroyed.

That's news?

La La La La

"Jared's teacher covered her ears, trying to block the conversation, and singing 'la la la la.' When asked by another school employee about her odd behavior, the teacher claimed she did not want to hear about the boys and their 'killing.'..."

Far be it from me to suggest telling anyone what they don't want to hear.

A Question of Fairness

In ruling out a vote on Pence’s proposed Broadcaster's Freedom Act, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-CA.) also signaled her strong support for revival of the “Fairness Doctrine” -- which would require radio station owners to provide equal time to radio commentary when it is requested.
The ruling Marxists can't allow a marketplace of ideas. It must be controlled and directed.

What the hell kind of ant mentality views basic human decency as a "doctrine" to be imposed by the state anyway?

That Air America can't stay aloft when left to the choice of the people (hey, isn't that democracy...?) simply means that force must now be employed. And since the airwaves are the province of the collective...

See, it doesn't matter that broadcasters can move over to paid satellite radio--what Commisar Nancy is interested in is manipulating the masses--for now. They'll get to the privateers in due time--starting by convincing people they're "pirates."

Hey, you gotta demonize your enemies to gin up the manufactured hate.

And once that's all locked up, can the Internet be far behind?

A few days back I asked WoG readers to sign a petition sent to me by Michael Dukes. Like I said, I don't know if it will do any good, but it certainly can't hurt to invest a few seconds to make your stance known.

BATFU's First Blush

"There is nothing in terms of first blush to say it will significantly change our business," Michael Sullivan, acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said of the high court's decision.
Huh. I haven't seen BATFU blush since I posted some pictures.

But he's right--it was a narrow ruling. It didn't address stomping cats, racist picnics, lying under oath...

Yeah, I'd have to agree. It'll probably be business as usual.

A Promising Poll

The numbers are encouraging, aren't they?

I just got this link and don't have time to chase down the poll, size and methodology--if you have more information, please comment.

[Via ILiveFreeOrDie]

We're the Only Ones Warding Off Our Attackers Enough

An off-duty Chicago police officer was shot and wounded on the city's South Side overnight.

The officer was hit in the hand and leg during an exchange of gunfire with his assailant...
But if you're a non-"Only One," Bodyguarded Boss Daley would be "outraged" at your being able to send an attacker fleeing.

[Via JCR]


The Nahant Public Library wants to sell one of its most valuable possessions: a German machine gun captured by Army Sgt. Alvin C. York during World War I.

...Both Welsh and deStefano said at least two agents from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) have listened to the story but offered no recommendations, other than to suggest the machine gun be destroyed.

...Negotiations with the ATF have put deStefano in a funk. He described a four-way conference call during which an obviously young ATF agent admitted not knowing the story of Sgt. York or much about WWI. “That’s the person the ATF has making the decision about this machine gun. It’s no wonder we didn’t get very far,” he said.

Yeah, that's about what I would expect.

Reader Keith D. sent me this story and wrote "I'm not sure what, if anything, can be done, but I am going to write my senators and representative about this anyway. If you have any ideas, I'd like to hear them."

That sounds like as good a place as any to start.

I'm going to contact the library and ask if there is any organized effort they would like public support for, and will report back on what they tell me.

UPDATE: That was quick!

Dear Mr. Codrea,

Those of us who care about American history should know that the Maxim gun has been placed under agreement between the Nahant Public Library and the Museum of Appalachia, in Tennessee. The Library should receive a monetary gift in consideration of its donation to the museum. The historic relic, which American soldiers fought to capture, will eventually be placed on exhibit for all to appreciate, as the Museum of Appalachia is constructing an exhibition around the machine gun. Transfer to the museum from the Library is awaiting paperwork from the BATFE.

Thank you for your concern. This issue seems to have been settled in favor of history and patriotism.

My Best,

Daniel deStefano


"Closed Hand": An Open Letter to the ATF's Jim Cavanaugh

You should understand that many of us gun owners today feel the same way as the Cheyenne and Lakota did about the predatory federal government in 1876 -- especially after the Olofson case proved to all of us who were paying attention that Waco Rules still govern the ATF.

Mindful Musings presents the latest from Mike Vanderboegh.

I was going to post this yesterday, but figured it might get lost in all the Heller to-do.

Calling All Cars! Calling All Cars!

Free man spotted on bus.

Proceed immediately and stop him.

[Via Jeffersonian]

Creating Instability

The NRA has it wrong. Guns don't kill people--AK-47s kill people.

This is why there's so much instability in Somalia. It's the proliferation of small arms that creates instability in countries.
Kaj Larsen demonstrates his seasoned grasp of cause and effect. If only we were rid of guns, Mogadishu would be a paradise.

He's been somewhat more objective in the past, but this piece lets his real sentiments show through. Maybe that's why the Vanguard PR flacks didn't contact me this time and ask me to promote the piece.

I'm not sure what he really uncovered here that made it worth putting his life on the line. There's a difference between cutting edge journalism and thrill-seeking. Since it's well known there are Third World marketplaces where you can buy all kinds of military arms, it doesn't seem like very good judgment, and it looks like they had a few scares.

I guess based on his loopy conclusions, we shouldn't expect better.

[Via Zachary G and Joe G]

We're the Only Ones Unambiguous Enough

[Scroll down to second letter]
The lawsuit about the May 9 incident with Dickson City police over the right to bear arms seems like a way to cash in on this ambiguity.
That's Anthony J. Mariano, talking about the Old Country Buffet incident, and revealing the depths of his Second Amendment scholarship as well as the regard he holds for the citizens he works for.

Surprise, surprise--guess who one of the "Only Ones" named in the lawsuit is?

Nice mentality there, public servant. The only reason people have for taking legal measures to protect their rights rights is money.

Courts exist to provide relief, meaning that extra-legal relief does not need to be sought. If I were someone abusing my authority, I hope I'd be smart enough to realize that might just somehow work to my advantage.

Sorry you didn't get your wish, there, Anthony.

There goes your unambiguous elitism. Except I have a feeling it will manifest itself again real soon.

[Via Skullz]

Sad Snuffy Pledges More Public Temper Tantrums

An activist Catholic priest from Chicago is calling for rallies and demonstrations across the country to show public outrage over the Supreme Court decision striking down Washington's handgun ban.
I hope you get more people than you did with that "Huge Success" you achieved last time, Snuff-man.

I don't know if "sad" is the right word, though. The one I'm looking for has more of a "pathetic" feel to it...

[Via jpr9]

Lowering the Barr

The ruling “will go down as one of the Supreme Court’s most important rulings on behalf of liberty,” says Libertarian Party presidential candidate Bob Barr.
Forgive me, Mr. Barr and the LP, if I roll my eyes.

Maybe if you'd man up and address this I'd assign you some credibility on gun rights and liberty. But instead, you're acting like a typical politician and a typical political party--ignoring it and hoping it will go away before too many people notice.

That's not going to happen.

I'm thinking of doing something to turn up the heat, and the most bang-for-the-buck idea I can come up with is a contest--inviting readers and other bloggers to design a poster themed on Bob Barr and his support for the Lautenberg gun ban. I've already received one from an activist I correspond with after I told him about this idea.

I could host graphics for people who don't have blogs here, and provide links to logs that feature posters of their own and their readers'. And here's a handy tool for creating them.

Which means I'd need to pick a date to submit entries by and to showcase them, a way to pick a winner, and probably some kind of prize.

On the other hand, candidate Barr could just decide to have a candid discussion with gun owners...

[Via 1894C and Peter W]

Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein

Federal agents raided Blackwater Worldwide this week as part of an investigation into whether the private security company sidestepped federal laws prohibiting the private purchase of automatic assault rifles, the company said Thursday.

...Court documents show that agents seized 22 guns as evidence from a vault dedicated to county authorities.

We talked about this a couple days back .

I know their contracts and connections would preclude any resistance, but can you imagine what would have happened if the Blackwater special ops guys decided to kick some BATFU butt? I'd order that on Pay-Per-View.

[Via Avg Joe]

'It is Impossible for Us to be Naive'

Which can only mean Mayor Fenty and Chief Lanier must be fully aware of the evil that they do...?

[Via Zachary G]