Thursday, June 26, 2014

The NRA Mom is Determined

The July Issue of NRA's America's First Freedom features this article written by world champion shooter and Team Smith and Wesson captain Julie Golob.  Golob is a veteran, author, shooter, and mom of two. She writes about Bloomberg's efforts to use " emotional manipulation" to create gun phobia and avoidance.   Golob then lays out some important facts:
The number of privately owned guns in the U.S. is at an all-time high, upwards of 300 million, and is rising by about 10 million per year.  Meanwhile, the firearm accident death rate has fallen to an all-time low, 0.2 per 100,000 population, down 94 percent since the all-time high in 1904. Since 1930, the annual number of firearm accident deaths has decreased 81 percent, while the U.S. population has more than doubled and the number of firearms has quintupled.  Among children, such deaths have decreased 89 percent since 1975. Today, the odds are a million to one against a child in the U.S. dying in a firearm accident. 
Golob is the type of personality we want as an advocate for our rights and the NRA is smart to promote and feature her in it's publications and outreach material.  Her face was featured on a huge banner at this year's Annual Meeting.  Soft spoken and professional, she quietly makes her case for why women (and all Americans) should have the right to keep and bear arms, and why those so-called "commonsense" solutions are not so commonsense after all. 
Golob completes the piece with this:
The NRA Mom is determined. She understands the all-important role she serves in her children’s lives. She teaches her children firearm safety at all ages. She instills a sense of self-worth and encourages her young ones to reach their full potential.
Most of all, the NRA Mom stands up for freedom—and the Second Amendment rights that guarantee all of our other freedoms. 
It's a great article.

You can find more about Julie Golob at

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Project ChildSafe launches S.A.F.E. Summer Across America Campaign

VSSA is proud to partner with  Project ChildSafe and the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) to promote the “S.A.F.E. Summer Across America” campaign. The campaign will focus attention on the importance of safe firearm storage—particularly while children are home from school and more likely to be unattended.

NSSF is implementing S.A.F.E. Summer to further spread the message of Project ChildSafe and help prevent firearm accidents, theft and misuse. "S.A.F.E." serves as an acronym for Store your firearms responsibly when not in use; Be Aware of those around you who should not have unauthorized access to guns; Focus on your responsibility as a firearm owner and Educate yourself and others about safe firearm handling and storage. The effort is focused on providing education and tools that helps gun owners take responsible action to keep their families and communities safer.

 Educational materials and resources are also available through the Project ChildSafe ( website and social media, with tips on safe firearm storage, brochures, and information on the variety of safe storage options available.

Last week, the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) launched a public service announcement campaign to get gun owners to lock up their firearms when not in use. VSSA is betting however that S.A.F.E. Summer Across America will be better received than the approach taken by NCPC and BJA.

NSSF launched Project ChildSafe in 1998 (prior to 2003 the program was called Project HomeSafe) as a nationwide initiative to promote firearms responsibility and provide safety education to all gun owners. While children are a focus, Project ChildSafe is intended to help young people and adults practice greater firearm safety in the home. The program has provided more than 36 million free firearm safety kits to gun owners in all 50 states and five U.S. territories. That's in addition to the more than 60 million free locking devices manufacturers have included with new firearms sold since 1998 and continue to do today.

Project ChildSafe was originally supported by federal grants provided by the U.S. Department of Justice. Since 2008, when this funding was cut, the firearms manufacturing industry has solely funded the Project ChildSafe program through the members of NSSF.

Number of Young Competitive Shooters Skyrocketing

During his NRANews program yesterday, Cam Edwards mentioned this article that appeared over the weekend in the Boston Globe.  The article, titled "Gun Controversy Lost on New Shooters" is a pretty balanced article that discusses the rise in the number of young competitive shooters at a time when some adult policy makers want to restrict our gun rights.
Participation in the nationwide 4-H Shooting Sports Program, which includes archery, hunting, pistol, rifle, and other firearms, has nearly tripled since 2009 and last year drew 336,558 program participants nationally. The actual number of youths involved is doubtless somewhat different than that, as some sign up for more than one offering and not all states report, but the trend is clear.

Also, after a long decline, participation in hunting in the US increased by 9 percent between 2006 and 2011, and one of the main reasons appears to be an array of youth recruitment and retention programs sponsored by local clubs and national youth organizations, according to a recent study funded by the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
No surprise to those of us who have children who enjoy the shooting sports, parents interviewed for the article mentioned target practice and competition has increased their child's focus and sense of responsibility.

During Sportsman Channel's NRANews Cam and Company, Edwards spoke with world champion shooter and captain of Team Smith and Wesson Julie Golob about the article and the positive impact the shooting sports have on young shooters.


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Sussex County Fully Repeals Sunday Shooting Ban

At tonight's Board of Supervisors meeting, Sussex County has removed the language from the recently enacted county noise ordinance related to shooting on private property on Sunday.  The ordinance, enacted on April 17th, effectively banned shooting on private property on Sundays, targeting the new Sunday Hunting Law.  The ordinance had been passed in time to affect spring gobbler season.  After an outcry from gun owners and hunters, the Board passed an emergency ordinance at the May Board meeting, repealing the shooting section but had to act in 60 days to make the change permanent.  They did just that tonight.
This victory is due to the hard work of gun owners and hunters who made a public outcry to the Board Chairman Eric Fly.  Thanks to your hard work, it is once again legal to target shoot on private property.

Department of Justice's Million Dollar "Gun Safety" Public Service Announcements

So this is how the Obama Administration spends $1 million of taxpayers money trying to reach gun owners with a message about safe storage of firearms.
That was the most offensive of the two television public service announcement developed by the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) and the Ad Council and funded by the Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Assistance.  You see, firearms are scary. They scare kids, and, they cause nightmares, and are something for which we have to apologize.  Apparently, they didn't think about the millions of kids that participate in the shooting sports.
If they had simply stayed with the below, ad, it might not have been so bad, other than the fact NCPC/Ad Council must think that gun owners need children to tell them how to "follow rules."
But the print ads are even worse:

The above print and video ads are all part of a campaign where the Obama Administration found $1 million laying around (at a time when the "sequester" was causing cuts in defense) to spend on this.  You'd think from the ads, that there is an epidemic of accidental deaths from firearms in the home.  But just the opposite is true.

So, you tell me, which do you think will be a more effective firearm safety campaign targeting gun owners, something like this:
or the Justice Department/BJA/NCPC campaign?

By the way, the Julie Golob firearm safety campaign rolled out for Mother's
Day didn't cost $1 million.

Trouble with Grouping Handgun Shots?

Dance's Sporting Goods shares this tip in their recent email blast.
If you want to check to see if you are pulling the trigger, draw about a 6" vertical line on your target and put a 1" circle or smaller in the center. Aim at the circle every time and you will know if you are pulling the trigger off to the left or right. Right-handers typically pull the gun to the left, left-handers to the right.  

Still having trouble getting your handgun to group well? Try the "Ball & Dummy" drill to get you back on target

Halbrook: Should Not Read Anything Into Court's View of Carry With Abramski Ruling

VSSA Life Member and Second Amendment Attorney Steve Halbrook appeared on NRANews' Cam and Company on Wednesday to provide some additional analysis of the Abramski vs. US ruling where Virginia resident Bruce Abramski, Jr.'s, conviction of making a so-called "straw purchase" was upheld by a divided U.S. Supreme Court. Cam Edwards asked whether gun owners should read anything into Justice Kennedy's siding with the anti-rights justices on the court and whether that spells bad news for the carry cases like Peruta vs. San Diego, that are possibly headed to the Supreme Court.  Halbrook said we shouldn't read Monday's ruling as bad news (he didn't say it was good news either) because it was a totally different  question before the court.


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

New York Times: Minority Gun Owners Face Balancing Act

Over the weekend, the New York Times ran this article that talks about minority gun owners and what the Times refers to as a "balancing act" they face weighing the "isolation" of being a minority gun owner and the "stigma" of gun violence.  Once you get past the headline, it's not a bad article.

It starts off talking about Ken Blanchard, a minister, blogger and podcaster known as "Black Man With a Gun."  They caught up with Blanchard in April at the NRA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis. The article than goes into the numbers of minority gun owners and how they are lower than their white counterparts as well as their percentage of the population:
Blacks are less likely than whites to own a gun. In surveys from 1973 to 2012, an average of 27 percent of African-Americans nationwide said they owned a gun, compared with 47 percent of whites, according to data from NORC, a research center at the University of Chicago. Even so, their attendance at the N.R.A. convention was minuscule compared with their rate of gun ownership, let alone their presence in the population at large.
The accompanying video with the article featured interviews with a number of minority shooters at Anthony Colandro's Gun For Hire range.  It also mentioned NRANews Commentator Colion Noir.  While discussing the number of minorities who own firearms, the reporter accurately mentioned "the number of Blacks who admitted" to owning a firearm.  It is likely that a lot of gun owners, black and white, aren't likely to admit to a stranger on the phone if they own firearms, whether that person identifies themselves as a representative of a polling firm or not.  The reporter also repeated the myth that "overall less people own firearms now than in the past."  Tell that to the gun shops, firearms instructors, and manufacturers.
Talking about the "stigma" of being a Black gun owner, and how "gun violence" plays a part of that and how Blacks are more likely to be victims of such acts, the article also dredged up "Stand Your Ground" laws and the Trayvon Martin incident.  What the Times did not mention is that, at least in Florida, which has been the focus of such laws and where the Martin incident occurred, Blacks have actually benefited more from the Stand Your Ground defense.

Overall, it is a good article and worth checking out.

Update: Reverend Ken Blanchard, one of the main subjects of the story, spoke with Cam Edwards of NRANews about the experience and how the reporter became a convert to the Second Amendment.

Virginian Loses Supreme Court Case on "Straw Purchase"

On Monday, a divided Supreme Court ruled against Virginian Bruce James Abramski, Jr., in a case related to "straw purchases."  Yahoo News has the story here.

The background: Abramski, a retired police officer purchased a Glock pistol for his uncle from a gun shop in Collinsvile, Virginia, using a law enforcement discount. He then transferred it to an FFL in Pennsylvania so his uncle could take posession of the firearm.  The rub was Abramski stated he was the purchaser on the form 4473. He was arrested as a suspect in a bank robbery several days later but never charged, but he was charged with lying on the 4473. He challenged the conviction and the Supreme Court sided with the government.  Anthony Kennedy was the deciding vote. In the past, Kennedy has sided with the majority in Heller and McDonald which up held an individual right to keep and bear arms.

Justice Elana Kagan, writing for the Majority, said:
“Abramski’s reading would undermine — indeed, for all important purposes, would virtually repeal — the gun law’s core provision,” Kagan wrote. She added, “Putting true numbskulls to one side, anyone purchasing a gun for criminal purposes would avoid leaving a paper trail by the simple expedient of hiring a straw.”
The problem with this is that Abramski was not arguing that he should be able to buy a firearm for a criminal.  I guess the difference between what Abramski did and what my wife would do if she buys a firearm for me for Christmas is, she is buying it - I did not give her the money to do so as Abramski's uncle did, she just gives it to me as a present after she buys it.

Apparently, Kagan does not find "ambiguity” in the law a bad thing.

Friday, June 13, 2014

31% of Self Decribed Liberals Don't Want Family Member to Marry a Gun Owner

The Wall Street Journal's The Numbers Guy blog shares an interesting Pew Research Poll to see how politics affects marriage.
Pew notes:
Liberals also don’t want to see their family members marry gun owners, with 31% saying they’d be unhappy; only 1% of consistently conservatives would feel unhappy about a gun owner.
As you can see, religion seems to be another area that affects family relations.  Conservatives really don't want a family member to marry an Atheist.  About 27% of Liberals don't want family members to marry a Born Again Christian, but guns really seemed to get Liberals upset more than any other area.  Seems marrying a Republican gets slightly less dislike among liberals than if their family members marry a gun owner.

Virginia Self-Defense Law Offers VSSA Members Discount

Save Your Life Savings

As many of you know, our friend Ken Cuccinelli stepped down as Virginia’s Attorney General in January. Ken is continuing his advocacy for 2nd Amendment Rights as a lawyer in the private sector. With 3 other lawyers, he has started a unique law firm called “VSD Law, PLC,” a Virginia Self-Defense Law Firm. You can visit them at . Ken has offered VSSA members a special discounted membership rate for both individuals, or for married couples. What VSD Law, PLC does is defend you if you get harassed for being a gun owner or for carrying, and they will defend you if you have to use your firearm lawfully in self-defense. This is not insurance – you would be hiring a law firm – and if you have legal issues due to your ownership or use of your firearms, you will not pay for any attorney fees for their representation beyond the annual retainer cost noted above. My wife and I have signed up, and I’d urge you to visit their website and check it out. Don’t lose your life savings just because you have to defend your own life or family. If you want to sign up, contact the VSSA office by e-mail at After your membership has been verified, you will be provided a special link for VSSA members, where you will receive the special VSSA discount.  This special discount is not visible any other way on the VSDLaw web site except through the link provided to you by the VSSA office.  You must be a VSSA member to receive this special rate.

I urge you to go to the VSDLaw web site to learn more about their services.  Then, if you are a VSSA member, send an email to the address above and you will be provided the special URL for VSSA members.  Not a VSSA member?  We can help with that too!  Just click here to join. 

I use VSDLaw and I urge you to use VSDLaw too.
Ernie Padgette,
President, VSSA

Thursday, June 12, 2014

No Surprise, Everytown for Gun Safety School Shooting Map Overstates Incidents

Michael Bloomberg's gun control group Everytown for Gun Safety has created a map that claims that there have been 74 “shootings at schools” since the Newtown, Connecticut school shootings. Investigative journalist Charles Johnson has examined the 74 incidents in detail, and found that some incidents did not take place on campuses, fewer than 7 were mass shootings, one was a case of self-defense, and one probably did not happen.  Not surprising, the map and related media reports have been widely circulated  by the usual gun ban proponents in Hollywood and the media, and even in the news clips of a bureau of the U.S. Department of Justice.   

Also not surprisingly, the numbers are wrong.  Johnson spoke with Cam Edwards on NRANews' Cam and Company yesterday about his finding.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Cantor Loses Primary , Democrats Find 11th Hour Candidate for 7th District

Back when everyone thought Eric Cantor was a shoe-in for re-election, the 7th District Democrats decided they would not run a sacrificial lamb.  But it appears the 7th District Democratic Committee had second thoughts and nominated John "Jack" Trammell two days before the GOP primary.  Trammell is an associate professor at Randolph-Macon College, the same place that employs Brat.

Reading news clips and listening to talk radio this morning, much is being made of the "historic" nature of Cantor's loss.  There is also a lot of talk about Brat's Tea Party connections and how the "Tea Party Roared."  It's likely less due to the Tea Party and more along the lines of what an unnamed "GOP strategist" told the Roanoke Times last night during a conversation at the Cantor election party wake and reported by the Times this morning:
“This is what happens when you don’t tend the weeds in your backyard,” the strategist said. He went on to question Cantor’s decision to go on television — a strategy that may have raised Brat’s profile and let more voters know about the race. “Six weeks ago, Brat was an unknown. The question will be: Did the campaign overreact?”
Something happened between 2012 and 2014.  Jim Geraghty noted on the Campaign Spot that in 2012, Cantor took 79of the vote in his primary.  He also notes turnout wasn't the issue.  It was higher than 2012:
Cantor and his allies can’t blame low turnout for this one. My old colleague Derek Willis noted that the 2012 primary turnout was surpassed with only 71 percent of the precincts reporting. “People who ran David Brat’s turnout operation are gonna be getting some phone calls, methinks.” 
A perfect storm appears to have been created in the last year that led to last night's surprise upset.  In full disclosure, I have known Cantor for years.  I also personally know many of the former Cantor supporters who were supporting Brat and, who in my opinion, made this more personal toward some of the players than it should have been.  And, I know Cantor's consultant.  Cantor became the target for the anger caused by events that began in the run-up to this year's GOP mass meetings and state nominating convention, orchestrated by Cantor's consultant, and likely with the approval of Cantor.  They were tactics that were regularly used in the 80's when I was cutting my teeth in politics.  They served only to tick off people and had for the most part been tossed in the waste can, until this year.  Bearing Drift does a good job of explaining those events in this post.  In short it can be summed up like this:
Don’t piss off the grassroots.
John Fund confirmed this when he wrote on National Review Online:
Primaries are often criticized for low voter turnout. But they are also expressions of the grassroots sentiments of political parties. The lesson tonight is that establishment candidates ignore their most ardent voters at their peril. As political analyst Stuart Rothenberg put it tonight: “The GOP establishment’s problem isn’t with the Tea Party. It’s with Republican voters.”
So, Brat is to be congratulated on his win.  He energized grassroots and it paid dividends.  But now he has to figure out how to raise money for a general election because you can bet the Democrats would love to try and make this a race.  The district is drawn to favor the GOP, but if you can't raise money to get your message out, that advantage may evaporate.