Cupping for Muscle Spasm


1. Cardiac muscles – its main feature is its endurance and consistency to pump the heart muscles are by far the most sophisticated, but undervalued structure of our bodies. They literally do the work. Its gives us structure and suppleness, bending backwards for us at any given time. Muscles consist of 3 types:

2. Smooth muscle – its ability to handle stretch and tension makes it perfect for involuntary movement needed for the digestive, blood vessel, bladder and uterine systems.

3. Skeletal muscle – it can be seen, felt and exercised, come in pairs and work voluntary. They can have a short contraction (twitch) or a long contraction (tetanus) and are controlled by your nervous system. These muscles are attached to bone, either directly or by a tendon and move your arms, legs, back etc.

Muscle spasms occur in our skeletal muscles. They are involuntary, quick and can be very painful. These should not be confused with a twitch where there is usually no pain involved and it’s an uncontrolled small movement that can be seen under the skin. Spasms can develop for a variety of reasons, depending what part of the muscles are being used and what environment they are working in. Factors such as being overused, overstretched, tiredness, hot environment and lack of fluid and nutrients or energy can lead to quite painful spasms.
We also need to care for our muscles when exercising by warming up before, and cooling down properly after the workout. This will help to keep the blood flow constant that will bring nutrients and oxygen to the muscle, but also detoxify it from the by-products your cells produce during exercise. One of the main culprits is Lactic Acid, which occurs when the need for oxygen to the cells is high, energy breakdown is low and your body starts to produce lactose to break down the glucose in cells to provide the energy requirement to the cells leading to a painful acid build-up.
Treatments for muscle spasms can range from ibuprofen to sessions with a qualified physiotherapist. Practically, these are not always possible and we there is a need to address the problem quickly and effectively.

cup-bBellabaci Cupping therapy provides just that. By placing one of these pliable, silicone cups to the area, you will immediately draw fresh blood and oxygen to the area that will nourish the cells and detoxify the increased lactic acid. Massage is also needed for pain relief, in which case just apply a bit of oil to the area and move the cup over the muscle for instant relaxation. Be sure to move the cup towards the nearest lymphatic nodes to facilitate drainage. You are also in control of how deep into the muscle you will work, squeeze the cup lightly and set down for lymphatic drainage or squeeze it all the way and set it down for a deep muscular massage. These cups are also travel friendly, so take them with you to the gym or anywhere needed to have help at hand.
Make these cups your partner in pain relief!