Lisp Types Demystified (Part I: The Span of Common Lisp Types)

A friend of mine sent me an email today about types in programming languages, and discussed how types can alleviate certain kinds of errors. One interesting part of the email was on two orthogonal points of type systems:

I now realise that there are several issues conflated into a false dichotomy of static/dynamic.

. . . → Read More: Lisp Types Demystified (Part I: The Span of Common Lisp Types)

Type Inference For the Uninformed


The goal of this post is to elucidate what type inference is to the working programmer. Specifically, I want to introduce it to imperative programmers who use a typed language regularly, such as C or Java. I also target those who are avid users of untyped/dynamically typed languages, such as Ruby or Python.
Continue reading Type Inference For the Uninformed

The Influence of Functional and Object-Oriented Programming Paradigms on Programming Style

It’s amazing how many programmers out there are self-taught ‘hackers’ who learned by trial and error, and never attended any courses on programming. Within this group, you will find great programmers, as well as god-awful coders, who write incredibly bad code and make the lives of other people difficult. Why all the variation? Personally, . . . → Read More: The Influence of Functional and Object-Oriented Programming Paradigms on Programming Style

Haskell for Mathematicians: Canceled

(Edit: This post seems to have been put on Reddit and has caused some downtime.)

This post is a pseudo-continuation of Part I.

This series is officially canceled! Let’s discuss why.

I was preparing some rather elaborate code for this post. Basically I was going to start playing with structure and type classes for . . . → Read More: Haskell for Mathematicians: Canceled

Haskell for Mathematicians, Part I

Most mathematicians or mathematically-oriented minds already know what programming is, and maybe have done a little of it. These posts will introduce more “serious” programming to mathematicians.

I am sure there is literature out there on “programming for mathematicians”, but I hope to keep this relatively short and sweet.

Continue reading Haskell for Mathematicians, Part I