Tuesday, February 05, 2013

News Channel 5 Investigates

Could these propagandists for the state violence monopoly make it any more clear what they're doing and why? [Watch]

[Via Kenny]

An Expert Opinion

Only rebellion can save America [More]
And that's from a Retired Colonel/Ph.D...

Home on the Range?

Well, I guess Plouffe threw the challenge down to us "skeeters." So Mr. Hardy does some looking around.

"Progressive" Incontinence Initiator

I know all kinds of places I could get people to wet themselves if I wore one of these babies. [Read]

We're the Only Ones Non-Responsive Enough

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town. [Read]

[Via William T]

Another Gun Death

Bloomberg and all the antis wish the old man had been killed.  Then they could have danced in his blood and blamed NRA for the home invaders being armed. [Read]

[Via William T]

Rapists for Gun Control

I see his point. [Read]

REESE CASE: Who Had Incentive to Lie Under Oath?

Simply brilliant. [Read]

If you read on thing today, make it this.

Please share it far and wide.

The Trappings of Authority

They won’t appear in public touting their gun control measures without being flanked by men wearing patches and braids and insignia and looking all official.  [More]
You know, Trigger 3. Certainly no one believes this is accidental...?

By the Numbers

In other words, the percentage of U.S. mayors participating in Bloomberg's forcible citizen disarmament jihad is only marginally higher than the percentage of MAIG members convicted of or charged with serious crimes. [More]
Something doesn't add up...

The Scientific Method

But don't expect it to impress the primitive, the ignorant and the superstitious as anything but witchcraft... [Read

I'm actually kind of surprised he made it out of there alive.

The Two-Party Illusion

Of course Kasich is a collectivist. [Read]

At heart, he's a gun-grabber, too. I trust no one thinks his "conversion" was motivated by anything other than power-amassing self-interest...?

We Can Turn 'em All In Now

Kim Kardashian is anti-gun. Except if they're jewel-encrusted. [Read]

Why is this creature famous again...? And does any "culture" that makes her so deserve to be dominant?

Gun blog hosting Q&A; on state of nation and freedom

This will be an interesting experiment. It also may be an eye-opener for some who may not have fully thought through the consequences if the Second Amendment needs to be appealed to as a last resort, and there will be people on the panel who not only anticipate such impending circumstances, but who have backgrounds and experience that give them unique perspectives on preparation, tactics and strategies. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column is more of a gateway, actually, to a conversation you're invited to be a part of.

She Finally Got it Up

Yeah, I meant the title to sound like that.  Anyway, Feinstein's bill is now on THOMAS.  

And I finally figured out how to do a direct link there.  Dang newfangled kids and their gosh-darned internet, think they're so smart...

The "Gun Reform Index"

I'd have called it something else, but this does provide good information in a useful format. [Read]

College Presidents for Dead Students and Faculty

Let's start calling them what they are. [Read]

This Day in History: February 5

The enemy are ‘penetrating this country.’ Lord Cornwallis is at the Trading Ford, preparing to cross the Yadkin River. The American army ‘is collecting at this place; and if the militia will turn out and give support to the army, I have not a single doubt but that we shall be able to stop his [Cornwallis’s] progress.’ The officer is to assemble the militia of Guilford and neighboring counties, with six days provisions. He is to order the county commissioners to send provisions to the army, which ‘is entirely without.’ He is also to send to NG the ‘most intelligible’ man he knows who is ‘well acquainted’ with the roads, distances, and the ‘best settlements and plentifullest place for obtaining provisions.’ The officer should reply as soon as possible.” [More]