
Forum 2014


Forum, Westar’s academic journal

Forum 2014 Individual Subscription

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Forum publishes the scholarship emerging from Westar Institute Seminars. Included in the pages of the Forum are many of the seminar papers that inform the deliberations and conclusions of the Seminars. Recommended for scholars and advanced students of religion. An annual subscription includes two electronic issues.

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Issue 3,1 (April 2014)
Syria and Christian Origins

Preface (Clayton N. Jefford)

Paneas/Caesarea Philippi and the World of the Gospels (John Francis Wilson)

Peter’s Antiochene Apostasy—Re‐Judaizing or Imperial Conformism? An Inter‐textual Exploration (Brigitte Kahl)

Locating the Didache (Clayton N. Jefford)

Visualizing the Christian Community at Antioch: The Window of the Didache (Nancy Pardee)

“That By His Passion He May Purify the Water”: Ignatius of Antioch and the Beginning of Mark’s Gospel (Charles A. Bobertz)

Story and Ritual as the Foundation of Nations (Helmut Koester)

Issue 3,2 (October 2014)
Assessing the Work of Rudolf Bultmann

Preface (Lane C. McGaughy)

The Legacy of Rudolf Bultmann and the Ideal of a Fully Critical Theology (Schubert M. Ogden)

Reflections on Konrad Hammann’s Biography of Rudolf Bultmann—with Implications for Christology (Philip Devenish)

Demythologizing and Christology (William O. Walker, Jr.)

Kêrygma and History in the Thought of Rudolf Bultmann (Gerd Lüdemann)

The ‘Gospel’ and the Emperor Cult: From Bultmann to Crossan (Jon F. Dechow)