Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law 431985-6 return to winter time and to use 11 time zones in Russia.

Egypt will resume DST after the end of Ramadan on midnight of Thursday on July 31 2014

Morocco will reintroduce DST on August 2 2014 after the end of Ramadan.

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World Time Zone Map with current time (12 HOUR AM/PM FORMAT)
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M Y X-ray Whiskey Victor Uniform Tango Sierra Romeo Quebec Papa Oscar Novemb Zulu Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Kilo Lima M Y

The time zone number indicates the number of hours by which Zone Time ahead of or behind
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or Greenwich Mean Time(GMT).
daylight saving time - places are currently observing Daylight Saving Time (DST) / Summer Time.

World Time Zones maps are property of and may not be used or reproduced without permission

- Pacific centered Map of Time Zones of the World with current time- 24h format and 12h format
- Standard Time Zone chart of the World - World Map of Time Zones
- Military Time Zones- World Map of Time Zones

To print a time/map snapshot use these browsers: Opera, Firefox, Netscape Navigator.
Internet Explorer does not capture time/map image for print.

Nanjing 2014 Second Summer Youth Olympic Games
Local Time
in Nanjing, China
Opening Ceremony (in Nanjing, China)
16 August, 2014- 20:00 The Opening Ceremony of the 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing, China will be held on 16th of August, 2014.
When it is 20:00 16th of August 2014 in Nanjing (China), what time is it in other locations around the world ?
Please choose TIME MODE: 24 hours or 12 hours (AM/PM)

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Interactive Time Map for
2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil - Copa do Mundo da FIFA

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FIFA World Cup Brazil Copa do Mundo da FIFA
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