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What recent trend is looking like it will take hold permanently (for better or worse)? by type_your_name_herein AskReddit

[–]MuhMilkshake [score hidden]

None of these make you pack on 10 extra inches to your waist (except pregnancy) or make you morbidly obese. You may gain a few extra lbs, but it doesn't explain why people have 40% BMI and what not

What recent trend is looking like it will take hold permanently (for better or worse)? by type_your_name_herein AskReddit

[–]MuhMilkshake 10 points11 points

fatshaming, it worked pretty well on smokers.

Start with fat or non fat section of restaurants, before eventually banning them altogether

What the fuck is this shit? And why did it not come with a Trigger Warning? by thehobgoblinin fitnesscirclejerk

[–]MuhMilkshake 3 points4 points

something something eat your dinner theres starving kids in africa something something something ebola

What the fuck is this shit? And why did it not come with a Trigger Warning? by thehobgoblinin fitnesscirclejerk

[–]MuhMilkshake 6 points7 points

Thin privilege is being able to sing about how confident you are in your body while wearing less than 3 layers of clothing

What the fuck is this shit? And why did it not come with a Trigger Warning? by thehobgoblinin fitnesscirclejerk

[–]MuhMilkshake 6 points7 points

I don't give a fuck what shes singing about. But the musical quality is shit from an objective standpoint.

Sick of average? Come mire as I struggle to squat 1 plate by spiffyclipin fitnesscirclejerk

[–]MuhMilkshake 5 points6 points

Your a fucking douche for making a video with just a slideshow of stupid pictures of yourself. Your not big man. No one likes you.

What is something you will never take seriously? by kevexin AskReddit

[–]MuhMilkshake 0 points1 point

It's results oriented and seeking new opportunities.

Do you even office drone brah?

litrly too bulky by LiftThingsUpThenDownin fitnesscirclejerk

[–]MuhMilkshake 2 points3 points

TIL my bank account is why I don't cut

Looking for a healthy way to get rid of some muscule by [deleted]in Fitness

[–]MuhMilkshake 1 point2 points

You developed large, muscular legs from running and playing tennis?

[TW: newfag, litrahly no calves] breaking the ice by thepufferfishin fitnesscirclejerk

[–]MuhMilkshake 3 points4 points

It's ok, we are very accepting of people with small calves here

[TW: newfag, litrahly no calves] breaking the ice by thepufferfishin fitnesscirclejerk

[–]MuhMilkshake 5 points6 points

Report back with your findings

lol by grae313in fitnesscirclejerk

[–]MuhMilkshake 2 points3 points

This was my xbox live tag

Honestly, the best thing I could have ever done for my love life, personality, and wardrobe was to give up squatting. by Metallicadpain fitnesscirclejerk

[–]MuhMilkshake 1 point2 points

Hello yes, my name ees Svetlana Vladimirovitchski, I am part time med student, part time model

Progressive overload and hypertrophy - how does this work when you hit strength limitations? by SimianFictionin bodybuilding

[–]MuhMilkshake 5 points6 points

405 is a great milestone, and it means you're probably a shitload stronger than most people.

405 isn't all that great if you compare it to really fucking strong people. It's just that so much of the population is hilariously weak. Kind of like how passing integral calculus in college means you're far better at math than most people, but aren't 'good at it'.

This is the grey area of all things that becomes ones personal hell

IAMA GIRL who wants to DEADLIFT, Upvotes to the left please. by Stareonsin fitnesscirclejerk

[–]MuhMilkshake 11 points12 points

oh heavenly blessed beauty blah blah

(Groce) Ladies and Gentlemen, our newest copypasta. by baconauticsin fitnesscirclejerk

[–]MuhMilkshake 10 points11 points

70 hours a week

Right, he is literally carrying furniture 70 hours a week and not dead somehow.

[Book thread] July by kookiejarin FCJbookclub

[–]MuhMilkshake 1 point2 points

I read 0 books.

[TW: Kettletard] I'll keep getting stronger with pussy weights while you're recovering from an injury because your ego demanded you stack more plates on the bar in a vain attempt to have a killer chestbump session with your gymbros by Strikerrjonesin fitnesscirclejerk

[–]MuhMilkshake 17 points18 points

Striker has bulky and unfunctional muscle mass. OP may look like he was in a coma for years and is just learning how to move his atrophied around, but that isn't the case.

Kettlebell Sport, we love debunking your fitness myths by plooptin weightroom

[–]MuhMilkshake 5 points6 points

Reading about an experience as opposed to doing it is what makes people different from animals.

This is literally how mathematics works. I can figure out the answer to a problem without having to experience it.