Posts tagged Zyprexia

Gefährliche Medikamente – Diagnose ADHS / ADS – Depression

Der Wirkstoff in diesen Produkten ist Sertralin.
>>> Prozac von der Firma Eli Lilly
>>> Zoloft von der Hersteller-Firma Pfizer AG

Der Wirkstoff Methylphenidat in >>> Ritalin
Der Wirkstoff Atomoxetin in >>> Strattera
Der Wirkstoff Olanzapin in >>>Zyprexia – Achtung extrem gefährlich

Weltweit nehmen 3,5 Millionen Kinder Strattera

Zappelphilipp! ADS/ADHS- Die Ritalin-Epidemie

The Zyprexa story

Pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly (makers of Prozac) have agreed to pay upwards of 1.2 billion US dollars to nearly 30,000 patients who claim their bestseller antipsychotic medication, Zyprexa (Olanzapine) has resulted in diabetes, weight gain and other complications and that these risks were downplayed. Secret documents are leaked, the newspaper headlines start screaming, and citizen journalists spread the word – but where is the real advocacy for better drugs with fewer side effects? >>> more here:

Warning about ZYPREXA (olanzapine) (May 2004)

Dangerous drugs used to sedate dementia sufferers
Source:     7pm TV News NSW
Published:     Thursday, April 22, 2010 7:57 AEST
Expires:     Wednesday, July 21, 2010 7:57 AEST

Zyprexa – Umstrittenes Medikament bringt satte Gewinne

Nebenwirkung Tod
Arzneimittel-Wechselwirkungen und tödliche Nebenwirkungen von oft unnötig verschriebnen Medikamenten oder zu großem Medikamentenmix

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