Investigator files affidavit and Obama's Kenyan birth certificate in federal court

Filed in Federal Court Sept. 3rd 2009

A legal affidavit that declares Lucas Smith (American from Iowa) to be of sound mind and judgment. Lucas can go to jail if he lied on this affidavit. The document filed is a (Certified COPY of Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate) you see here, once it is validated by the court, is pretty much the proverbial “smoking gun.”

Flash Back: remember the birthers wanted a copy of Certificate of Live Birth that had the attending physician listed, raised seal, and maybe an infants foot print.

Here’s one that was filed in federal court and the procurer has put his life on the line swearing its authentic and if not he could be send to jail for perjury.

See high res affidavit and birth certificate here.

The birthers' suit claims that Obama is a citizen of Indonesia and "possibly still citizen of Kenya, usurping the position of the President of the United States of America and the Commander-in-Chief.”

The Department of Justice lawyers (the tax payers) are picking up Obama’s tab on legal fees. Ironically all this is going on because Obama won’t release a copy (image, picture) of is original Certificate of Live Birth.) Americans aren’t stupid and we know your hiding something. No normal, legitimate American would not hesitate to show his original COLB  Instead our President won’t release the supposed Hawaiian original and uses pathetic rhetoric to defend his illogical actions.

The Kenyan COLB has a legitimate Doctor who was practicing at the time, a REAL hospital and an infant’s footprint.  Don't you Koolaid drinkers wish the President was truly transparent instead of playing all these games with his history.  The jokes on the liberals---not the birthers.

If the footprint matches the W.H. better batten down the hatches.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Lucas Smith is allegedly the individual who tried to sell the the COLB on EBAY and his veracity is unkown at this point.

, Orange County Conservative Examiner

Gregory is a staunch conservative who has been involved with local and national politics in Central Florida since 1980. He currently publishes the Teabag Gazette via an Indoor Digital Signage System located along the I-4 corridor.


  • axlehead 3 years ago

    Where there's smoke

  • imjerry 3 years ago

    He better get in HIDING !! If the Judge is got any real strenth and is "JUST", then is a great !!

  • Marianne 3 years ago

    Hawaii needs to be held in comtempt for lying about birth certificate. Since Obama did fraud wouldn't McCann become president by default.

  • BigGuy 3 years ago

    Ah, yes, Lucas Smith. Are you aware that he has been convicted of multiple felonies, including forgery? Come on, Greg. Do a little homework. This guy has no credibility at all except for those of you desperate to believe anything.

    Orly's got a hearing tomorrow on one of her cases. Any bets on the outcome?

  • royalcrowncola 3 years ago

    I wouldn’t get too excited. There are a number of suspicious looking things on this Birth Certificate.

    1. The mother’s date of birth is given as: 11/29/1942. The date notation used in Kenya would be the same as the British custom of noting the day first then month followed by year. (i.e. 29/11/1942.) By comparison look at how the date of birth is supplied: 4th day of August, 1961…that is the correct date notation. Day first, followed by month, and lastly, by the year.

    2. Same mistake on date supplied by the “supervisor of obstetrics”: The date is given as 8/7/1961. In Kenya that date would appear according to the British custom as: 7/8/1961. Four digit year notations were not common in 1961 because they were not necessary. The four digit notation only became common in Kenya after the year 2000.

    3. The signatures on the document are not the typical very stylized signatures used in Kenya. They look more like real poor American style handwriting.

    4. The name of the “supervisor

  • Sam Sewell 3 years ago

    Can you pass the: Obama Eligibility Logic Test?

    Google: Obama Eligibility Logic Test steady drip

  • Doubtful 3 years ago

    Hey, Sam, gonna be in Santa Ana tomorrow?

    And will it count as an OMG moment when Orly is disbarred?


  • Jones 3 years ago

    Judge Carter is a former U.S. Marine. He is sworn to protect America from all enemies both foreign AND DOMESTIC. Carter said he will hear the case on it's merits. I hope and pray that Judge Carter will require that Obama show his vital records: college, birth etc.

  • MaineSkeptic 3 years ago

    @Jones --

    Let me ask you this -- are you going to have the same high regard for Judge Carter however he rules, or only if it goes your way?

  • AXJ 3 years ago

    AXJ has just published all the filings and true birth certificate found in the 1964 Divorce Papers from Hawaii.

  • Examiner Sucks 3 years ago

    Does this birth certificate say anything about how GLENN BECK RAPED AND MURDERED A YOUNG GIRL IN 1990?

  • george 3 years ago

    If this is a fake somewhere some day we will get the truth.
    Till then we expose the lier that wants to tell OUR children what he thinks!
    Can it get any crazier than that? "TRANS...PARENT" and he wants to tell OUR kids to do good in SCHOOL when he has HIDDEN it all from us, and has been given a free ride his whole life. I doubt he ever really went to any of the SCHOOLS he said he did. The lies will get him soon. I wonder whom are his REAL PARENTS???????????????????? MAN what a SHAM he has played us for.....

  • Angel 3 years ago

    BigGuy - I don't know if this birth certificate is real. It wouldn't shock me to discover it is, but neither would I be surprised to discover it's not. However, to your point, are you aware Obama's czar who just resigned is (also) a convicted felon, self-avowed Communist, racist, 911 truther, who was given $30 BILLION dollars of OUR tax money without being appropriately vetted? Would you consider him credible and worthy of being thisclose to the White House and in charge of this vast sum of money? Since he supported him til the bitter end, it makes one wonder whether Obama is either incompetent or complicit. Either way, anyone who exercises their critical thinking skills would start asking questions about the numerous issues that's arisen about his judgment, and before now been given the benefit of the doubt. Or is your love of this country based only one which party is in power? Just curious.

  • Arthur B. 3 years ago

    No, George, I wouldn't expect an illiterate like you to have any idea whether Obama really attended those Ivy League schools.

    But to those of us with a real education, it's perfectly clear that he's well educated and you're a complete dolt.

  • BigGuy 3 years ago

    Well, Angel, you can rant on about whatever you like. I was talking about the subject of the article, in which the author described the fake Kenyan birth certificate as if it were something other than the work of a con artist with multiple convictions.

    The birther movement has dragged out one set of lies after another, replacing each debunked piece of crap with another, and I'm having fun watching them go by.

    And by the way -- don't miss Orly's hearing tomorrow! I doubt that it will bring you much comfort but, hey, you never know!

  • Captain Steve 3 years ago

    Obama has yet to prove his "natural-born" citizenship, which is a constitutional requirement to become president. He and his lawyers have spent close to 2 million dollars to keep his records hidden. They've gotten multiple cases thrown out on technicalities. It's up again tomorrow. But Obama is trying to get it tossed again.

    I hope the truth finally comes out!!

    http www


  • MLK 3 years ago

    The first step in solving a problem is admitting you have a problem.

    So altogether now, say the following out loud:

    "I'm afraid of black people".

  • Gachichio 3 years ago

    the alleged birth certificate from Kenya seems problematic to me as a Kenyan,in that although in the body the date of birth is stated to be 4th day of August 1961,the certificate is marked as issued on 8-7-1961.In Kenya,the dates are written in order of day-month-year,such that 8-7-1961 would be 8th day of July 1961.Obviously the certificate could not have been issued before he was born.Again,I have not known any Kenyan birth certificates to have a foot print of the baby.The alleged certificate seems a forgery by an American who is not conversant with the Kenyan/British system of writing dates.This not to mean I support Mr Obama. God has confirmed to me that he will be the dreaded Antichrist,ready to assume the role as from the 18th day of July 2010,12 noon Jerusalem time
    when will be the rapture,and he will declare himself to be god for the whole world and demand universal worship before Jesus returns to destroy him & follow after the 3.5 years of greatest tribulation and Armageddon

  • F22 3 years ago

    Sorry MLK, He's just as white as he is black. I don't even know why people are using the "RACE" word. Obama is mixed race and that's a fact. All these people wetting their pants thinking he's the first african american to be elected to this office need to wake up.

  • Doubtful 3 years ago

    Captain Steve has another one of his usual lie-filled posts.

    I especially like the old BS line about how "[t]hey've gotten multiple cases thrown out on technicalities."

    Remember these words of wisdom from the judge in Hollister v. Soetoro? "[I]t appears that the complaint in this case may have been presented for an improper purpose such as to harass."

    That's not a technicality. That's a reprimand for unethical conduct for bringing the piece-of-garbage suit in the first place.

    Don't forget, Mensa Man, possible OMG moment for Orly today!

  • Anti-Birther 3 years ago

    The document is a forgery. Can that be proven? Yes, readily so. There are two major errors on it, one, Mombasa was part of Zanzibar in 1961, and two, the document uses American style date notation of month/day/year, instead of the British style of day/month/year which would have been used at that time on official documents.

    Note also that he claims to have received a document with a certified seal, but that only a “photocopy” is attached to the affidavit.

    Did Lucas Smith lie on his affidavit? Yes, like a rug. Can that be proven? Probably, but why bother, once the document is proven invalid, anything he says is moot.

  • Anti-Birther 3 years ago

    Marianne says: "Hawaii needs to be held in comtempt for lying about birth certificate."

    Yes, just lock up the whole state. Banish them all to live on some remote island in the Pacific . . .

    Oh, wait. . . Nevermind.

  • Anti-Birther 3 years ago

    axlehead says: "Where there's smoke. . . "

    There's a crackhead.

  • F22 3 years ago

    Birther / Anti-Birther who cares. Let the court decide and get a life. If these people want to beat the bushes trying to find a smoking gun, let them. What do you care? Obama has nothing to hide right? If you really think that then leave these people alone and let them make fools of themselves.

  • BigGuy 3 years ago

    F22, we're letting them make fools of themselves. We're letting them get laughed at and thrown out of court. We're letting them get reprimanded and sanctioned, and we will let them get disciplined by their bar associations. Charles Lincoln (working for Orly) and Lucas Smith (forgery provider for Orly) already have long records of disbarments and felony convictions.

    Yep, we're letting 'em do it all right. And we're laughing all the way. Please, keep entertaining us!

  • Anti-birther 3 years ago

    I predict that this suit will be quite rightly dismissed.

    The issue, as the DOJ has correctly pointed out, is one of “Standing.”

    In the U.S. we do not have a category of “General Standing” from which to bring a lawsuit.

    In order to file you must have suffered a direct and unique harm.

    The plaintiffs can not show this, they can only allege a general harm, and thus they will have their buts kicked out of court today.

  • F22 3 years ago

    No BigGuy, you're entertaining them by keeping this alive. It's just like Anti-Birther calling them crackheads and making himself look just as bad by doing so. Citizens of this country have the right to beleive what they want to just as you have the right to beleive the opposite. What gives you the right to criticize and ridicule? Just because you don't beleive the same as they do? Have you hired to do this?

  • Anti-birther 3 years ago

    F22 says: "It's just like Anti-Birther calling them crackheads and making himself look just as bad by doing so."

    Aww, you hurt my feelings. ;)


  • BigGuy 3 years ago

    LOL, we're keeping it alive? We're the ones filing the frivolous lawsuits?

    Come on, give me a break! All we're doing is sitting here and laughing at you.

    "What gives you the right to criticize and ridicule?" YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING!


  • Anti-birther 3 years ago

    F22 says: "If you really think that then leave these people alone and let them make fools of themselves."

    In all seriousness, F22, you are missing the issue here. It is not about how stupid some people (the birthers) can get, but it is about preventing contagious stupidity from spreading. You are right in one sense, the truly willfully and hardcore stupid are beyond help. They are locked into their mindsets and nothing will ever convince them that they are wrong. My goal, by continuously pointing out the logical absurdities and fallacies of this group is to quarantine the stupid. Your average Joe out there may not have a lot of immunity to the stupid, but most of them can recognize it when it is pointed out to them.

  • F22 3 years ago

    Why are you laughing at me? I think Obama is a citizen and this is way after the fact. I also think these citizens that you are ridiculing have the right to think whatever they want. You're making youself look like a couple of hired purple shirters. Are you?

  • BigGuy 3 years ago

    F22, I don't know what you're complaining about. Yes, they have a right to believe whatever they want -- including their fantasies that Obama is a usurper and a fraud -- and we have the right to believe whatever we want, including our conviction that people who ignore the facts are deluded fools. It's a free country, you know?

    Is one side right and the other side wrong? Of course. And which is which? Well, so far all the court decisions have come down on one side. All of them. No exceptions.

    We can wait and see how the rest of them go, but I think you know where the smart money is on this one.

  • F22 3 years ago

    OK I'll let you go and play your keeper of the sanity game. I see you ignored the purple shirt comment so I'll take that as a yes. Have a good day guys.

  • Anti-birther 3 years ago

    Hey bigguy, what color shirt were we all supposed to wear today?

    Mine's a sort of dark charcoal grey.

  • BigGuy 3 years ago

    I wasn't sure what shirt to wear, I haven't heard from HQ yet -- I think they're all tied up getting the FEMA camps ready for the results of Judge Carter's orders. The shirt I've got on is dark blue, but I guess it could be seen as purple by those who really want to see it that way!

  • acerbic 3 years ago

    A pathetic petty con man already previously convicted of forgery among other things is a "reporter"? BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh wait, this "article" is written according to Orange County standards, where Oily Titz is a "lawyer". Sorry, nevermind :-)

  • Native American 3 years ago

    obama can settle this issue easily by releasing his original birth certificate, the fakes provided by the DNC and opponents do not interest me. I want to see an original. Until this happens, obama is not a president, he is a socialist shill who is costing this country its respect around the world.

  • Anti-birther 3 years ago

    No one ever has an "Original" birth certificate. No one.

    The best you can do is get a certified copy from the state.

    That is exactly what President obama released last year.

    Too bad, go get your dad.

  • Arthur B. 3 years ago

    Yeah, Native American, good idea! He should send an original birth certificate to each and every American so we can all judge for ourselves! You know, the one with the doctor's signature and the little footprint.

    And then he should go from house to house and take off his shoes so we can see if the footprint matches.

    I don't care how many Hawaiian officials say that he was born there. Even if the governor of Hawaii is a Republican who campaigned for McCain. And I don't care if all the court challenges have been thrown out -- who do those judges think they are, anyway?

    Our Lady of Liberty Orly Taitz will save us! The only question is, which will happen first -- will she be disbarred or institutionalized?

  • ORly? 3 years ago

    You neglect to point out that Lucas Smith has an extensive criminal record, including forgery convictions, in your article. Why?

  • BigGuy 3 years ago

    Come on, Gregory, ORly? is right. There's no dispute about the fact that Lucas Smith has multiple felony convictions, including some for forgery. And yet there's no mention of that in your article.

    You point out that he can go to jail if he lied -- but you fail to tell us that he has lied in the past and, indeed, gone to jail for it.

    Be a man, Gregory, and tell the truth. You don't do your cause any good by pretending that this felon has credibility. You just make yourself look like a gullible fool.

  • acerbic 3 years ago

    I have also seen reports saying that O rly didn't file a real affidavit by the con man but only an image of a purported affidavit which is of no legal consequence, so it's all good: the con man is actually in no risk of perjury charges, the judge will toss out Oily's insubstantial filings and birfoons will howl conspiracy and coverup.

  • Scott Wiggins 3 years ago

    Yeah, these birthers are a trip...Its not like our President was born to an African alien named Barack Hussein Obama, who happened to have been a polygamist at the time he married the nineteen year old mother who within a year had moved away to school, followed by living in indonesia for twelve years or so Islam is the dominant religion...And, all of the principals are now dead...Wait a minute!

  • John Paul Nk'omq 3 years ago

    Clearly, this is forged. Africans, regardless of tribe or ethnicity, do not give the number of the generation as part of the names of their children. You will never find it. So, no one will have referred to him as Barack Hussein Obama II. Besides, why does the hand written date seem like someone used their left hand to carefully scratch it in? It looks quite deliberate. Don't you think so?

  • Doubtful 3 years ago

    Sure, Scott, I'll wait a minute.

    What's your point? Obama's biography was well known during the election and the people chose him.

    I suspect you didn't vote for him, but so what?

  • Anti-birther 3 years ago

    ==="living in indonesia for twelve years or so"===

    Better recheck your facts.

  • acerbic 3 years ago

    I guess Scott's point is that even knowing all that, Americans still elected Obama, which shows how much they hate repukes. Thank you, Scott.

  • Anti-birther 3 years ago

    ===="O rly didn't file a real affidavit by the con man but only an image of a purported affidavit"===

    With an image of the purported Kenyan BC.


    She's like Frenchy in "Grease."

    "Legal school drop out . . . "

  • Anti-Birther 3 years ago

    ==="so it's all good: the con man is actually in no risk of perjury charges, the judge will toss out Oily's insubstantial filings and birfoons will howl conspiracy and coverup. "===

    My God, here I was thinking of her as a clown when she is really one of the most briliant con artists of all time.

  • Gramma 61 3 years ago

    Doesn't Kenya use the metric system?


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