Comment Policy


I love comments on this blog - they are as important as anything I write myself. They add to the knowledge and community that we have here. If you want to comment then you’re more than welcome –whether you feel you are a beginner or an expert – feel free to have your say.


  • Please conduct yourself in a courteous, mature, and respectful manner.
  • Please remember that this is a family friendly site and that people of all ages visit, including many schoolchildren
  • Please refrain from name calling, personal attacks, racial slurs, hate speech, or flaming
  • Please direct your comments to the topic in the article

I delete spam – I have spam filters in place which automatically catch the majority of automated spam comments. I don’t put up with it and if any slip through the filters I delete it immediately.

Relevant links in comments are actively encouraged - if you’re leaving a comment on my blogs and want to point to a link on your own or someone else’s site that is relevant to the topic then please feel free to do so. This adds to the conversation and improves the blog.

Irrelevant links are not encouraged – if you leave a comment with a link in it that has no relevance to the post you’re commenting on it will be deleted.

My advice to those commenting on blogs (not just mine) is that in a sense you’re visiting someone else’s home when you leave a comment. Comments have the ability to build up our tear down your reputation. They are a permanent record of who you are and what you stand for – so take care – be gracious – make sure they add value (not only to the blog you’re visiting but also to your own online profile).