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  • Banned Books Week

    PROJECT CENSORED is a proud sponsor of Banned Books Week again this year!

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  • Oscar Grant's Casket by Jacob Ruff

    Law Enforcement Related Deaths in the US

    By Peter Phillips, Diana Grant and Greg Sewel


    By Jeremy Cloward, Ph.D.
  • 2014 Fellowship of Reconciliation with Dr. Peter Phillips

    2014 Fellowship of Reconciliation with Dr. Peter Phillips

  • Unfinished Revolution: Interviews with White South Africa

    Unfinished Revolution: Interviews with White South Africa

    By Bonnie Joy Massey
  • Screen Shot 2014-05-21 at 4.42.13 PM

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Project Censored

Many documentary films give us important information about what is wrong with our society, but they often fail to offer a solution. ‘Project Censored: The Movie’ explores and publicizes censorship in our society by exposing important stories that the public should be aware of, but is not. Project censored is a media watchdog group and is the solution to Corporate Media’s failure to give the American public real news and information.College students can enroll in a Project Censored course and from there learn to become citizen journalists and uncover the real news that our society needs to become an informed electorate. Since the class was founded, the project has grown to include over 25 colleges and universities across the world that offer a Project Censored course. It was the filmmakers’ inspiration, as two fathers from California, to take Project Censored on the road and create a documentary film that explores why corporate media fails to report the truth. They spent the past six years of their lives creating this incredibly inspiring film, which reaches all audiences. Corporate media critics like Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Greg Palast, John Perkins, Cynthia McKinney and a host of others are featured in the film. The result is a beautiful film created by two regular family men who decided it was time to take action against the corporate media giants that have failed the American people in their role as reporting the news. It’s time for the people of America to take back the airwaves!

Project Censored 2014
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