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I am always using multiple windows to edit multiple files. I can style my Vertical Split with

highlight VertSplit cterm=none gui=none 

But what about styling horizontal split? I want it to have visible border, just like Vertical split does.

Something like tmux can have it like this: enter image description here

But with vim default configuration I can only clearly see vertical splits:

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1 Answer 1

up vote 3 down vote accepted

Vim always places a status line between two horizontally split windows (and potentially also at the bottom of a single window, depending on the 'laststatus' option). You can style it via the corresponding highlight groups: StatusLine (for the currently active window) and StatusLineNC (for all other windows).

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So i need to style 'StatusLineNC' , i already have vim airline plugin for my status line –  kaktusas2598 Oct 8 at 7:45

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