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Info GB

One of Europe´s most important bird migration routes is endangered

Conservationists are very concerned about bridge construction plans



Conservationists from all over Europe are concerned about the intention of the European Union, the Kingdom of Denmark and the Federal Republic of Germany to build a huge cable-stayed bridge linking the Isle of Fehmarn (GER) and Lolland (DK). It is planned to route most of the traffic between Central Europe and Scandinavia across this bridge. The construction will threaten one of Europe´s most important bird migration routes, used by up to 90 million migratory birds annually. The economic criteria for the project are also unlikely to prove tenable.

The NABU (German Nature Protection Society) rejects the plans for several reasons:

  • The bridge would have a strong negative impact on one of Europe´s most important bird migration routes.
  • There would be negative side-effects for the habitats of endangered marine mammals such as harbour porpoise and seals.
  • Sea flow changes would be harmful for the complete marine fauna in the area.
  • Recent experience with the construction of bridges and tunnels throughout Europe demonstrate that the refinancing of the capital investment (approximately 5,2 billion €) in such projects through toll fees is unlikely to be successful in the short and midterm if other transport alternatives are available. State subsidies will be a substantial burden for the public budget.
  • Traffic on the bridge will be severely restricted by high winds, and probably to an exponential extent in comparison with problems experienced on the considerably smaller Fehmarnsund bridge. The new bridge would therefore be unusable for a significant part of the year.
  • The typical island landscape and enjoyment of its natural resources will be adversely affected by the construction work. In addition the consequences for the tourist trade on the Isle of Fehmarn, vital for the local economy, is likely to be devastating.

Your protest is essential
Protest now to the German and Danish ministers of transport against this unnecessary threat to European avifauna! Reject the high financial risk and burden for public budgets! Declare your unwillingness to use the bridge when more environmentally friendly alternatives exist. mehr Click to participate…

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