I wanted to put a link to Wolfram Alpha. I have plotted $(n!)^{(1/n)}$ (with parentheses included). But

[this page](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=plot+%28n!%29^%281%2Fn%29)


this page

As you see here the quoted page does not turn blue, nor is there a link.

Using the link in an address bar does give the right page though.

What is the error?

See Carets stop hyperlinks working and other questions linked there. You could also use tinyurl or some other similar website to avoid this problem. –  Martin Sleziak Mar 4 '13 at 6:42

4 Answers 4

up vote 7 down vote accepted

The problem here is the caret, i.e. the "^" symbol. The problem is that "^" is not a valid html symbol, and is deemed unsafe. This is not really a bug. More about that can be seen on Meta.SO: Links with caret ^ do not work?

This does not resolve the problem you have - one possible workaround is to use ** instead of ^, which W|A interprets correctly.




Since this is not a bug, should the tag (bug) be removed, so that SE developers closely watching meta.MSE (heh) can focus on real bugs? Not sure what is appropriate here. –  user53153 Mar 4 '13 at 2:57

Another approach is to put the hyperlink in using the link tool in the editor (or ctrl+l); this does something like this with all the correct encoding, which is to say:

[like this][1]

  [1]: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=plot%20%28n!%29%5E%281/n%29

The better (safer) way to embed a link with special characters is to use the "chain" icon above the answer box. It automatically applies any necessary encoding.

Like this


Look's like whatever comes after the /input/... is causing an error. For some reason it can't embed the link because of it. Changing formats for links doesn't help either.


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