Never miss a moment
Unlimited storage and automatic backup for all your photos and files.
Never Lose a Photo
From baby's first step to her graduation: your photos are precious and irreplaceable. Pogoplug backs up your photos and videos the second you take them, so you never lose a single one.
One Safe Place
No more searching around blindly for those vacation photos from five years ago. Pogoplug keeps everything you have, from photos and videos to music and documents, in one safe place so you always know where to look.
Swap Phones Simply
Take all your photos, videos and contacts with you when you upgrade phones, change carriers or switch from iPhone to Android or Android to iPhone.
How It Works
Pogoplug encrypts all your files using AES-256. This is the same protection used by banks and government organizations to protect their own data.
Your files are stored in multiple data centers with more than 99.99999% reliability. Multiple hard drives or entire servers can be destroyed with no loss of data.
Pogoplug is regularly audited by security experts to ensure that your data is safe. Our security consultants are former hackers who know how to protect your data against potential vulnerabilities.
Pogoplug is TRUSTe certified and complies with the strictest privacy standards. For more information, please review our privacy policy.
Photo Backup: phone unlimited 1TB  
  tablet unlimited 1TB  
  computer unlimited   1 PC
Video Backup: phone unlimited 1TB  
  tablet unlimited 1TB  
  computer unlimited   1 PC
Price Per Year $49.95 $238.88 $150
The Wall Street Journal
"Pogoplug is a terrifically simple way to back up files and make them accessible from afar or on the go."
"Amid all the online storage providers offering tiered pricing, Pogoplug Cloud has a different approach: Sky's the limit."
Los Angeles Times
"Pogoplug's plan is unique in that no other service offers so much space for so little without some sort of limitation."
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Monthly Plan
Unlimited storage
$4.95 per month
Annual Plan
Unlimited storage
$49.95 per year
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