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Say Goodbye to “I”, Say hello to “Co”

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This is the end of the beginning. We stand at the threshold of a new era for agency-client relationships. Much like Henry Ford evolved the automotive industry, this is our moment. We must take this as an opportunity to challenge the underlying assumptions of a broken ad agency model that has been haunting the creative industry for decades.

In the early days of the Internet we applied the popular ad agency model to designing and building online companies and applications. Why not, right? Well, millions of migraines later, we're realizing something was just not right. Nonetheless the bad habits had developed into dangerous standards. The work was bound by the walls we unknowingly created around it. Trapped within these walls creatives existed in a model that drastically limited our horizons. Signs of strain began to show in the process, the people, and ultimately in the work.

Today's companies need a new kind of agency model to get our projects to market on time and with the right set of features. We need an agency model with room for direct and dedicated access to a team that has bought into their ideas and vision. We need an agency that cares about the people and its work. We need an agency model that allows for collaboration, transparency, and agility. We need an agency that doesn't waste time and keeps things simple. We need a model that allows for innovation, changing requirements, and true creativity, which is so crucial to drive our modern business forward.

It's time to remove the walls that limit creativity, innovation, and meaningful work. The time to evolve the agency model is now and we’re doing it together.

It's that simple. Welcome to Coplex. Let’s co-create wonder.


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