• How We Do It

    By keeping the training and workouts constantly varied (if not random), using functional movement and raising the level of intensity, we improve in all 10 characteristics of fitness. No one knows what the workout will be until they walk into our gym. This keeps you from being bored and repeating the same routine day after day, week after week. Routine is our enemy.

    However, without a sound diet and nutrition plan, no fitness program on Earth will be worth anything nor will you reach your true potential. The success our members achieve is 90% due to the way they eat. Diet and nutrition is our foundation in this hierarchy.

    How can you begin a healthy diet without the hassle? In a nutshell, do the following in this order:

    “Eat meats and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and NO SUGAR.”

    Begin with that, then research the Zone and Paleo diets and you will be on your way to elite wellness and fitness.

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