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First Lady: Macaroni and cheese banned from White House for not being food

Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama
Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images

First Lady Michelle Obama has made the decision to ban macaroni and cheese from the White House. On Tuesday, Boston Herald shared that Michelle went to a magazine to speak out. She is talking in Cooking Light about how it is banned. She is doing what is best for her daughters and as a parent she wants them to eat right. The blue box of macaroni and cheese is not what she wants her girls to have to eat.

Michelle Obama
Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images

The article shared saying, "The family’s former personal chef had taken a stand against the boxed variety, which includes processed cheese powder among the ingredients." They went on to explain that the chef thinks that mac and cheese is fine, but it has to be real food.

They even tried to show the girls how it isn't the same as real cheese. The article shared saying, "Chef Sam) Kass gave our daughter Malia, who was about 8 years old at the time, a block of cheese and challenged her to turn the fresh cheese into powder. She sat there for 30 minutes trying to pulverize a block of cheese into dust. She was really focused on it and it just didn’t work, so she had to give up. And from then on, we stopped eating macaroni and cheese out of a box."

The White House won't be eating any of this version of mac and cheese. They even used it a lesson for the girls. Michelle Obama is standing strong on this one.