Information for Visiting Researchers

The Ohio History Connection welcomes research in our natural history collections as well as in our natural areas. Potential researchers should forward to the Natural History Curator a proposal that outlines the goals, objectives, and methods of the project. The proposal should include a discussion of which collections or natural area the research is intended to address. Potential benefits and impacts of the research must be discussed. This should include detailed discussion of any destructive sampling such as extraction for DNA, radiocarbon dating, collecting of specimens or tissues from specimens at field sites, potential trampling of habitat or any other impact to the collection item or the habitat. A brief vita or resume, including the credentials of the researcher and relevant publications should also be included. If the researcher is an undergraduate, a letter of recommendation from the supervising professor should be provided. Researchers will also be asked to send a signed, hard copy of our Protocol Acknowledgement by Researchers. 

For natural areas managed by the Ohio History Connection, researchers need to submit a proposal even if their activity is limited to observations (bird surveys, butterfly monitoring, etc.). This is important not only for monitoring any off-trail hiking, but also to provide us with valuable scientific information to assist us in our land management and educational programs. 

Each researcher is required to submit an annual report at the end of the calendar year detailing any observations and preliminary findings. For on-going research, a final report is required within six months of the end of the project. As noted in the Protocol Acknowledgement by Researchers, any reports, thesis or publication resulting from the work should also be copied to our office. We maintain a complete file of previous research at our sites and in our collections and this is a highly valuable resource for our own purposes and for other researchers. 

Other details required for application are available in the Protocol Acknowledgement by Researchers. 

Proposals may be sent by e-mail to facilitate the process, but the signed copy of the acknowledgement must come by surface mail. To apply, or for more information, contact:

Robert C. Glotzhober, Senior Curator, Natural History, Ohio History Connection, 800 East 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43211-2474. Phone 614-298-2054. E-Mail:

NOTE: Archaeological Researchers need to refer to the instructions and information on the Archaeology Research page.


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