Online Mapping System

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Welcome to the State Historic Preservation Office Online Mapping System

The Online Mapping System is a GIS web application designed to provide qualified professionals with instant access to State Historic Preservation Office data. The site allows users to query and view maps of OHPO inventory data, create maps and export tabular data.

The intention of this site is to promote the utility of GIS and spatial data as decision support tools for federal undertakings subject to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and for scholarly research on Ohio history, architecture and archaeology. When you register, you have the right to view and obtain information about cultural resources in Ohio and the responsibility to protect spatial information on sensitive archaeological and historic resources.  Screen Shot of GIS Mapping

Available data includes
  • National Register of Historic Places (all listings as points)
  • National Register Historic Districts (all districts as polygons)
  • Ohio Historic Inventory
  • Ohio Archaeological Inventory
  • Previously Surveyed Areas (archaeology and historic structures) 
  • Create and Export Customized Maps
  • Easily Collect UTMs
  • Plot and Label Sites
  • Create and Export Shapefiles
  • Save and Email Your Work to Others

Access to the site's basic tools and data is available to all registered users. However, access to OHPO inventory data, such as the National Register of Historic Places, Ohio Historic Inventory and the Ohio Archaeological Inventory, is limited to paid subscribers. Paid subscriptions are strictly limited to qualified professionals.

Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher is recommended for use with the Online Mapping System.

We welcome and encourage your feedback and suggestions. Please email