Summary: Krista's Interview on Serial Dynasty by Hart2hart616 in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle [score hidden]  (0 children)

You are the first person of any age...including 20 year olds and 90 year olds who haven't seen MTM, Chuckles episode. In fact in debating Amanda Knox, I mentioned it, and even people from different countries knew the episode.

Grief is part of the human condition....that is why artists have dealt with it from the beginning of the creation of art....and why religions perhaps exist. Murder trials, and murder investigations are learned and established. by governments...grief is part of being you are talking about apples and oranges. As the great Louis Armstrong once said, and I am paraphrasing, "If you gotta ask, you ain't ever going to know."

Any doubt Adnan is guilty is not reasonable doubt by lparker86 in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle [score hidden]  (0 children)

There is absolutely no evidence to show or prove that Adnan killed Hae or was involved. You did not list any. So of course there is reasonable doubt....and you make a lot of mistakes in your list. However, there is an appeal pending, and if Brown is aggressive and does a half way good job, Adnan should get a new trial or be freed. I see why you pro guilt people need to post. But as a person who knows Adnan is innocent, I really don't have to post anymore.

Summary: Krista's Interview on Serial Dynasty by Hart2hart616 in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle [score hidden]  (0 children)

MTM = Mary Tyler Moore. You are the first person of any age I have encountered that is not familiar with this iconic episode. If you understood Hamlet, you would know that grief reactions are individual.

RE: your use of the word 'racist'...YAWN. Fraid, I would never learn about murder trials or murder investigations from a tv show...although your comment and your ignorance of grief explains a lot about you.

Summary: Krista's Interview on Serial Dynasty by Hart2hart616 in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Watch the MTM iconic episode, you may learn something. It is really a shame that some overuse the term racist....kind of trivializes it. Note my example of a blonde blue eyed in Korea. People do mistake identities based on superficial qualities. However, denial is a very strong emotion...and others can't judge. Read Hamlet...note the different grief reactions...good luck.

Summary: Krista's Interview on Serial Dynasty by Hart2hart616 in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I can tell you first hand that grief is individual. You really don't know what you would do. And your reaction would be different than that of others. It seem pretty strange that you would dictate other's grief. Ever see the iconic MTM episode...Chuckles the Clown Dies? I am sure it is on U Tube. If you were in Korea you might say that all blonde white girls look alike. Adnan is referring to other's perceptions....he is grasping at straws. Only an ignorant person would judge other's grief. There are no rules and everyone is different.

Summary: Krista's Interview on Serial Dynasty by Hart2hart616 in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Perhaps if you have never been through grief you wouldn't understand. He was denying that Hae was dead. Listen to everything Krista says...he was numb. He wanted to call the police to tell them they had made a mistake. His reaction was consistent with grief...denial. When someone dies suddenly, untimely often times you deny that it happened. I believe Krista said when he saw the pictures on television when he finally accepted that it was she and she wasn't coming back.

Hae's AOL profile text. by Arcadia2014 in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Hae was in love with love and was looking for something to fill her life. I doubt that these comments would have bothered Adnan or anyone. She was 'in love' after only 13 days????What is significant is that Don didn't seem to return this intensity of affection. "Full time Girl Friend"? And Ms. Schab said Hae reported that she was moving in with Don....Did Don know??? I think Hae wanted to get out of her house and to be married....she would not have felt that way if her relationship with Adnan had been abusive.

Summary: Krista's Interview on Serial Dynasty by Hart2hart616 in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle 8 points9 points  (0 children)

RE: "all korean girls look alike" First stage of grief is denial. Adnan did not want to believe Hae was dead and was grasping at straws. The 'devil' comment was a tease and had nothing to do with being Korean.

Do you know the stages of grief? I think your reaction to the comment shows that you do not.

I'm new here. Why is the consensus here that he's guilty? by ElectricFruit in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle -1 points0 points  (0 children)

You started by saying the evidence to convict was that Adnan was angry over the break up. Since there is no evidence that he was angry, you are obviously projecting your issues onto the case.

It is 'violent' to try to destroy the life of a 17 by locking him in a cage unless you have concrete credible evidence. Basically, you say, he and Hae were splitting up so he is a murderer.

Thus your reasoning isn't very intelligent.

However, since Adnan is innocent and since the appeal is in process I know he will be getting out of jail so I don't really need to be posting. I do think its important that those responsible for this miscarriage to be held accountable and that Jay do some serious jail time.

I feel very sorry for the women who post here because they were in abusive relationships and were not believed. However that is not the case with Hae and Adnan. Take Care.

I'm new here. Why is the consensus here that he's guilty? by ElectricFruit in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

It sounds like you have some real issues that prevent your objectively dealing with this case and the evidence.

Let's all take a look at this "quote" (unquote) from Adnan himself. by ShastaTampon in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I think Adnan's statement is very credible. And note how he articulates his feelings and opinions. Compare that with dialogue attributed to Adnan by Jay....Jay so obviously lied and it was plain from the first. Also note that the way Adnan speaks shows that some of the what the police claim he said is false by police.

I'm new here. Why is the consensus here that he's guilty? by ElectricFruit in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

There is no evidence that he and Adnan left the car there. There is no evidence to implicate Adnan at all. If Jay knew the location it implicate Jay only.

The fact is that Jay knew about it and it implicates Jay only. How he obtained this knowledge is unclear: 1. He said the wrong location initially. 2. He admitted during trial that the car was left in an area that was part of his daily routine and that he would recognize Hae's car. 3. The police could have told him. 4. There is indication that the car was not there the whole time and was moved.

I recognize your name. You are the poster who falsely claims to be a court appointed lawyer. When you are shown to be wrong, you become abusive and childish unable to discuss intelligently. This is my last response to you. Perhaps someone else will engage.

The bottom line, again, is that whether or not Jay knew about the location of Hae's car, it proves nothing about Adnan. It does indicate that Jay should be spending a looooong time in jail because it indicates his complicity.

ETA clarification & grammar corrections

I'm new here. Why is the consensus here that he's guilty? by ElectricFruit in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

That isn't the type of thing that Adnan would say. It is the type of thing that Jay would say. It was obvious that Jay was lying by the quotes he attributed to Adnan.

I don't know Aiesha's opinion, but she was Hae's best friend and pointed out the absurd over reaction in the letter.

Adnan is extremely articulate. He had plenty of female friends whom he treated with respect. You can tell a lot in his description of the letters with pictures of wives that other inmates show in per his letter to Christa.

The point is that there is no evidence that Adnan was 'cut up' (to use your phrase) with the break up. In fact he understood it, and the religious issues.

I notice that many of the posters who obsess that he is guilty, sound very angry towards men in general or perhaps towards Muslims. Many admit that they have been in abusive relationships. They don't need evidence; the fact that Adnan is male or Muslim and male is enough. KM, played into that feeling during the trial.

I think those who like men and have healthy relationships with men see the evidence for what it is....the drama of a typical HS romance...nothing more.

I'm new here. Why is the consensus here that he's guilty? by ElectricFruit in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle -1 points0 points  (0 children)

So. The point is that Jay admitted that the car was in an area that was part of his routine and that he was able to identify Hae's car.

I'm new here. Why is the consensus here that he's guilty? by ElectricFruit in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

Adnan seemed puzzled by the upset Hae expressed in that note. That is why he showed it to Aisha and they joked about it. I took the jokes about Hae being pregnant as equivalent to Hae being upset because of PMS. Obviously Adnan was not upset as evidenced by his making jokes.

We know that Hae was moody, emotional and overly dramatic by other comments that she made and other behaviors....typical teenage girl. Fighting with her mother, wanting to run off to her 'father' in CA (not her father), her over the top sudden 'love' for Don esp as expressed in her AOL profile, she told Ms Schab that she was going to move in with Don (apparently forgot to confirm with Don) when she had just really started dating him, her diary entries. Adnan seems like he is a lot calmer and less emotional and in fact all his friends including Steph say that he remained calm.

Your imagining that Adnan was 'cut up'. He was focusing on College (going to the guidance office to pick up letter on Jan 13) and continuing to work, getting a phone so he could call girls in private. There is plenty of evidence of Hae's drama...none of Adnan.

Please note that Adnan others when he got his phone, and note that Don didn't seem quite as taken with Hae as Hae was with him. Hae was an innocent, dramatic HS teen. If Hae was supposed to meet him (Don) or call him after her work....why didn't he call her to find out why she was late or didn't show up?

I'm new here. Why is the consensus here that he's guilty? by ElectricFruit in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

PS If you believe that Adnan may be guilty why are you ok with Jay not having been locked up for about the same amount of time as Adnan?

I'm new here. Why is the consensus here that he's guilty? by ElectricFruit in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

Apparently you jump to wrong conclusions all the time without evidence...I am a she. I know no one involved in this case or in Undisclosed personally. I don't post all that much and I post because I am a citizen of the USA who believes in our Bill of Rights. I am sickened that some would lock a person in a cage without evidence....jumping to the wrong conclusions

I'm new here. Why is the consensus here that he's guilty? by ElectricFruit in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

First, if Jay knows the location of the does that implicate Adnan...that only implicates Jay.

Second, Jay admitted at trial that the car was located in location to which he went regularly and that he would recognize Hae's car. CG asked him questions. Jay clarified that he wasn't 'checking on Hae's car' but merely seeing it as he went about his daily business. So that he may have known the location is meaningless and would only implicate Jay.

There is no credible circumstantial evidence. There is more evidence of police and Urick corruption than there is against Adnan. We know that Urick lied to the jury, we have heard comments from the jurors that make them seem less than intelligent, we know of evidence of bias so I really don't get your point. I don't know the value of thinking that someone is 'probably' need a rational basis and probably shouldn't be enough to lock a 17 yo in a cage....and why wasn't Jay also locked in a cage.....bias.

Undisclosed deals with facts. Serial was entertainment. Undisclosed goes into facts that Serial did not know or present: example Coach Sye's statements about adnan being at track, the questions about NHRN Cathy...the police had the wrong cell tower data and had Jay invent multiple visits to Cathy, that couldn't have happened, to fit the date...that Cathy was told the date by the police and did not remember it on her own...that the conference she said she had attended did not happen on Jan 13 and more and more. Plus Adnan has never confirmed that he was on Cathy's on Jan 13 (Serial made a mistake)

We already have the 'cherry picking' by the corrupt police and Urick, that was repeated without question at time by Serial, so I appreciate Undisclosed presenting additional info. If there were additional info at the time, the State would have found it since they focused on Adnan alone.

I think Undisclosed is for intelligent people who value facts. Look you were misinformed about the car and you would have heard Jay's testimony if you had listened to Undisclosed. And again, regarding the car, it doesn't prove anything about Adnan.

Unless you catch up you are going to be left confused when Adnan gets a new trial and is freed.

Question about new evidence brought up by Undisclosed by moosh247 in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

However whether or not Jay knew the location of the car does not implicate Adnan...just Jay

I'm new here. Why is the consensus here that he's guilty? by ElectricFruit in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think Adnan is innocent after initially just believing that he did not get a fair trial. You should definitely listen to all of Undisclosed and also read SS's blog View from ll2 (both from the beginning) as well as Evidence Prof blog. Give Adnan the presumption of innocence & then ask "what is the actual evidence" against him. There is no. Undisclosed tears apart the investigation. Currently there is an appeal in progress centered on Asia. I fear that Adnan's lawyer won't be aggressive enough. He has a lot to deal with. In terms of this sub, I believe many of the posters are orchestrated to defend Urick. Some post here 24/7 and Iwonder if they are paid. I think those like me who know he is innocent, tend not to post but listen to Undisclosed and follow the appeal. Because there is no evidence against him, the same grasping at straws is posted here again & again. Ask urself,,,what is the evidence that a trunk pop occured,,,there is none, or that Hae was in the trunk...there is none etc etc, It is all smoke & mirrors. Now that we know the burial could not have taken place between 7 & 8 even the alleged LP pings don't matter. There is far more evidence against the police & Urick than there ever was against Adnan. Listen to Undisclosed and read the blogs mentioned

A challenge to Adnan's supporters: how many of these statements are lies? by Seamus_Duncan in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Thanks for confirming that you have no evidence or rational reason to say that Adnan is guilty. I guess you just didn't like him because he is a Pakistani Muslim or perhaps because he is male and you want people like that locked up.

For those that think Jay not receiving jail time is a travesty or conspiracy, what are your thoughts on the witness protection program? by orangetheorychaos in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I think that Jay should serve the same amount of time or close to the time of Adnan...Jen as well, if they are telling the truth. Since they had no emotional attachment to Hae what they did was pure evil. And that they gamed the system after wards to get out of punishment is evil as well.

If, Jay lied and falsely blamed Adnan, he should serve some serious time as well as should Jen

If Jay went along with a Police lie because he was threatened.....I haven't made up my mind.

The Baltimore Legal System has revealed itself to be corrupt and third world. Too bad they couldn't leave the USA

What happens in other cases or other parts of the country doesn't matter. We are talking about this case and this State.

Have a nice weekend.

I think I'm very close to changing my mind from innocent to guilty...after reading one post. by walternorman in serialpodcast

[–]sadpuzzle -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Perhaps you need to read more carefully. I have asked for a definition of lie. Then I have simply applied the standard being used to the actions of the poster. If they are going to accuse others, then that same standard should apply to them.

In terms of Urick, he has a higher duty. Its amazing that some here are unconcerned with his lies...for example telling the jury that the only finger prints in Hae's car belong to Adnan when he had to know that there were about 20 other unidentified print.

I know that no one has proven that Adnan lied.