hypocaust,  in building construction, open space below a floor that is heated by gases from a fire or furnace below and that allows the passage of hot air to heat the room above. This type of heating was developed by the Romans, who used it not only in the warm and hot rooms of the baths but also almost universally in private houses in the northern provinces.

Many examples of such hypocausts exist in villa and house foundations in Roman centres in Germany and England. The usual custom was to lead the hot air from a hypocaust into a single vertical flue in the wall of the room to be heated, through which the hot air and smoke escaped into the open air. Where greater warmth was desired, several flues would lead up from the hypocaust in the side walls of the room; at times these wall flues consisted of hollow, oblong tiles, set close together, entirely around the room.

The usual construction of a basement hypocaust consisted of a layer of tiles laid continuously in a bed of concrete for the bottom surface. Piers approximately 8 inches (20 cm) square and about 2 feet apart were used as the supports for the hypocaust’s internal space. The floor above was made of concrete or of large square tiles supporting a bed of concrete, on which the finished floor of marble or mosaic tessera was laid.

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