Sabian Symbols in Card Reading
Sabian Symbols in Card Reading
Perfect Bound Softcover
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This set of Sabian Symbols were discovered by Marc Edmund Jones and Zoe Wells associated with an ancient Mesopotamian source. These Sabian Symbols are specifically designed for card reading, and have never before been presented to the public. In Sabian Symbols in Card Reading by Delle Fowler, these Symbols and their original little descriptions are presented along with an expanded explanation of each Symbol. All seven levels of meaning are included. This new and expanded view allows meaning to become more readily available to the card reader. Fowler's many years of devoted attention to these symbols have allowed her to achieve a fine tuned breadth of insight into the fifty-two playing cards. The authentic keyword system developed by Marc Edmund Jones is presented in simple terms that will allow the reader to discern the options available in any situation and offer understanding and insight into any problem.

Self-discovery becomes a delight as Sabian Symbols in Card Reading enables you to read the cards immediately. The book is written as a reference text and allows you to find the meanings for the cards in your very first attempt. Written in a friendly and giving style you find yourself relating to the cards quickly and most significantly as the book takes you step by step through the process. Life becomes an adventure as you learn to play this "game of life." You will be amazed at the guidance that is available to you through the cards, and the contact with your higher self.

This volume includes:

  • An in-depth description of all seven levels of meaning, plus keywords, for each of the fifty-two cards
  • Explanation of how divination is made possible
  • Detailed, step-by-step instructions for laying out the cards
  • Instructions for shuffling and achieving the "set" that will insure your layout will have valid meaning
  • Explanation of the "accident" that may occur as in the dropped card, etc.
  • How to find the individual keynote in a layout
  • How to confirm that your cards are ready to speak
  • How to record your insights and maintain your work
  • Sample form for recording your layouts
  • Descriptive illustrations of all facets of the layout
Preview coming soon.
Delle Fowler insists she is one of the most fortunate of people in that she was born into the exactly right family. Her mother was a professional astrologer for many years as was her uncle, Carl Payne Tobey, who is known for his research in astrology. Finding this background of real support and interest she went on to become a profesional astrologer herself. She has maintained her success in this field for thirty-five years. Her articles have been printed in American Astrology and she has been a guest on many TV shows and radio programs.

Living in this milieu she sought constantly to find the most proficient and reliable methods for this scientific art. In 1967 she joined The Sabian Assembly and began working seriously with Marc Edmund Jones' concepts. The structured and reliable techniques that were found in Jones' system were exactly what she had been searching for, and she has been developing and expanding upon these ever since.

In 1972 as part of the inner discipline within the Sabian Assembly she was introduced to Sabian Tarot. This was the beginning of a serious and intense journey as she found herself captivated by its extraordinary potential. The ways and means of tapping a superior guidance and advisement existed within this discipline. When, much later, Dr. Jones gave his permission for the keywords of this system to be given to the public it became possible for a book to be conceived. At that point it became possible for the remarkable pattern of keywords, and its unusual potential for insight and guidance, to be made more generally available. Sabian Symbols in Card Reading is the final result of that conception.

Delle Fowler studied psychology at both City College and The New School for Social Research in New York City. She is currently Esoteric Secretary of the Sabian Assembly and Vice President of the Sabian Publishing Society's Board of Trustees.



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Perfect Bound Softcover
Price $20.00
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