Skin Cancer Amazon Black Tropical Salve

Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. | Last updated on | Filed under: Cancer Articles, Types of Cancer

How It Works

The Amazon Black Topical Salve, which contains zinc chloride and the herb bloodroot, among other substances, is used for treating skin cancers, melanomas and tumors. There are no herbs, such as bloodroot, with such a long history of success at treating cancer. The use of this type of treatment dates back to 1858.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has heavily persecuted this treatment because it is so inexpensive and more importantly, works so well. Greg Caton, who developed much of this technology, has been in jail at least twice. This is because the product worked!!

Note: If taken externally, skin cancer treatments are potentially very, very painful as the ingredients are passing through the skin. If taken internally, unless it is combined with certain other substances, it may cause stomach problems. Follow the safety instructions of the vendor very carefully.

Warning: The only brand I recommend for use on the face is Amazon Black Topical Salve. Some of the other brands may cause serious scarring!!

Amazon Black Topical Salve

Zinc chloride is “a highly antiseptic caustic that is somewhat more readily absorbed by malignant tissue than by normal tissue, though it is often reactive with healthy as well as morbid tissue.” “… zinc chloride (in a liquid form at room temperature), while in the presence of certain herbal combinations at known concentration ranges, has strong cancer-killing properties.”

Using bloodroot for treating skin cancer dates back to the mid-1800s. “Bloodroot has been used historically in numerous topical preparations for the treatment of various skin cancers, and also for sores, warts, eczema, and other dermal & epidermal problems.”

According to the vendor’s own web page: “The current ingredients are:

zinc chloride (Cl2Zn),

NDGA (nordihydrogauaretic acid, from Larrea mexicata), (I think the correct spelling is: nordihydroguaiaretic acid)

sanguinaria [or bloodroot] (Sanguinaria canadensis);

galangal root (Alpinia officinarium) or ginger root (Zingiber officinale);

graviola leaf (Annona muricata),

bitter melon seed (Momordica charantia), and

glycerine (used as a humectant, to keep the product moist).”

Larrea mexicana (the correct spelling) is also known as Larrea tridentata, or one of the varieties of chapparel. Chapparel in tea form can also be used as a skin cancer treatment. Chapparel is toxic in doses that are too high, so it is best to take it as part of a herbal complex such as Amazon Black Tropical Salve.

Other Comments

Most skin cancer salves contain bloodroot. Sometimes you hear that products containing bloodroot should not be taken internally. While this is true in general, there are new products (e.g. the herb slippery elm), which when combined with bloodroot, make it safe for the stomach.

The products which use variations of these formulas call their products, Amazon Black Topical Salve, Cansema Black Tropical Salve, TumorX, etc.

These products are now being used on a wide variety of cancers, not just skin cancers.

The formula has become public information, to protect the technology, largely because of the persecution of the product by the FDA. See the feature movie: “Burzynski” if you think the FDA is an organization which is concerned about human life. This movie will make it very clear that the FDA has absolutely zero concern for human life, not even the life of children, and works exclusively to enhance the profits of the pharmaceutical industry.

Another Herb: Flueggea Leucopyrus

Another excellent herb used for skin cancer is Flueggea Leucopyrus.

It dries up the cancer. You make a paste of the leaves and apply it to the cancer while also taking it in the form of a tea or porridge. Put leaves in blender, over cook some rice, and when nearly dry add the blended strained juice to it. You can also add some coconut milk for taste.

You can also add garlic, ginger and/or some small red onions while the rice is getting cooked.

For a consultant, contact Ingrid Naiman:

Ingrid Naiman

For Skin Cancer That Has Spread Extensively

Superficial skin cancer should be easy to treat with the products I endorse (see the first link below). However, for those with more severe skin cancer, which goes deep beneath the skin, in addition to Amazon Black Topical Salve, a more complete treatment plan should be devised using one of the complete treatment protocol articles linked to on the left side-bar.

Meditopia Website

The Meditopia website contains the most complete history of Cansema and escharotics, in general, on the Internet.

Read Chapters 1, 2 and 4. They discuss the extensive history of the 150+ year suppression of escharotic preparations. This website provides information on how you can make effective escharotics for yourself. It also has extensive references and a bibliography. There is free access to all content. See: Website

Here is a YouTube video on how the product is made:

How The Product is Made

The website is an archived copy of the original Omega Labs site, before the targeting of Cansema by the FDA in 2003 and the destruction of the Alpha Omega Labs in the U.S. It includes extensive testimonials. This site is informational only. See: Website [Informational Only]


Site Comments
Amazon Black Tropical Salve The Original and Official Product by the Developers of Cansema [Endorsed]
Black Salve Info Information and testimonials
Minnesota Wellness General article on Cansema
CancerSalves More on the history of ingredients
CancerSalves Excellent article on zinc chloride and bloodroot
Alpha Omega Testimonials
Dr. Mercola Sunlight helps prevent skin cancer