A Lucky Save!



PillowNot long ago, I had a brave moment and decided to try crocheting. I got pictures to look at and lots of tips from family and friends. I already had some beautiful reddish yarn and a crochet hook. I made the chain and then dug in. I did it! Yay! I got to the end of the first row and added another row . . . and another . . . and another. “This isn’t so hard,” I congratulated myself.

Then I spread it all out and looked at what I’d made so far. Instead of a rectangle, it was an arch! Oops! I guess I added a stitch or two on every new row! But since it was my first try, AND I love the yarn, AND it looked pretty even in its wonkiness, AND it reminded me of the red soil on the farm where I grew up, I decided to make something out of it.

The picture slowly grew in my mind: a red hill covered in grass and wildflowers with a bright blue sky and bright yellow sun. So I dug through my remnants and . . .

  • found some blue canvas duck for the pillow squares
  • handstitched my piece of crochet at the bottom of the pillow front,
  • found some yellow canvas duck and appliqued/embroidered the sun,
  • embroidered some lime-green grass on top of the hill,
  • chose some vintage buttons that complemented the colors I’d already used and stitched them at the top of green embroidered stems for flowers,
  • sewed a zipper in the center of the pillow back and opened it,
  • stitched the front and back right sides together,
  • trimmed the seams,
  • turned the pillow right-side out through the zipper opening, and
  • inserted a 12-inch pillow form.

That’s my lucky save, all ready to jump-start my spring decor! And today is your lucky day, too, because you get to read some amazing posts on the “Lucky” theme from eleven other bloggers (including one on how to REALLY crochet!) in this month’s Collectively Creative. Enjoy! ♥

DIY Craft: ‘Stained Glass’ Shamrock – (Time With Thea)
The many meanings of “lucky” – (The Thing About Joan)
This Party Calls For A Theme:  It’s All Rainbows and Unicorns – (Green Door Hospitality)
Keep Calm and Pinch On – (A Ponytail Kind Of Day)
Honorary Irish and my favorite Irish Soda Bread – (My Healthy ‘Ohana)
Hello, 6 – (Joy, Lovely Joy)
Luck o’the Irish for Easter!  – (Minerva’s Hand)
Lucky Gold Elephant – (Now at Home Mom)
Asian Cucumber Salad – (Inspire and Indulge)
Jell-O Shamrocks: A Kid’s Lucky Snack – (Cobwebs, Cupcakes & Crayons)

114 responses »

  1. I love the things you create but more than that, I love the way you take something that may not have turned out the best and create something of value. Great attitude. Thanks for sharing. It’s contagious.

  2. I always love how you put colors together, but this pillow really shows off how you combine both color AND textures. You really are a textile artist! Keep on crocheting…could knitting be far behind? :)

    • What a nice thing to say! And yes, knitting will be next . . . I’ve tried it, too, but I can’t even follow the directions in a book that’s written to teach 10-year-olds how to knit! So I need to sit next to someone VERY patient and learn. I just love yarn so I need an excuse to start collecting it! :)

  3. Crochet???? You can be very proud!! You did a great job for some one who doesn’t know how to crochet. The colors and composition are perfect, you created an amazing picture – I love it.

  4. This is an adorable pillow! Perfect for a sunny summer. Love how a project starts out one way and takes a total turn around before coming to rest!

  5. oh mY! Katherine! what a beautiful work! I love everything about this pillow :) and I love the way you used your first crochet project (congrats for learning, you will be hooked!) can’t wait to see what you ‘ll crochet next!

  6. Katherine, this is so cute. You’ve always been creative, even when you were a classroom teacher. But your getting better with age. I love all your ideas on your blog. There use to be an artist on TV that painted years ago, and he would have a mistake & call it a little happy mistake & he would leave them in his pictures. You inspire alot of us to try new projects!! Lov ya dear friend :)

  7. Yours sounds like my first crochet attempt! I eventually crocheted enough to make a whole pillow but it was a rather lop-sided one! After lots of use, it has stretched into a better square shape. I never would have thought of adding to it like you did, though. That was pure genius! :)

  8. I love this pillow! I have a pile of buttons and would love to do something like this…though I doubt it would turn out as pretty. Oh and also, I don’t crochet or really sew :-)

  9. I could never do this. Never ever. And that “Wonky arch”? I never would have noticed. But I think the vision you created with your “mistake” is great. Cheery and colorful and perfect for spring.

  10. I love the cushion, the colours make it look like the sunniest, happiest day ever. Keep going with the crochet, I’m new to it too but when you get going it’s a bit addictive.

  11. That is the coolest lucky save I have ever seen! I love it! You’re inspiring me make stuff….and neglect other stuff. Oh well, who needs dinner anyway! ;)

  12. As a knitter I found crochet hard to learn and get used to. However now I think I like it more than knitting. It is so versatile and great for 3D projects. Also for sewing projects it is lovely as an edging.

  13. Pingback: How to Crochet . . . Jewelry! | PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  14. Pingback: Frilly Scarf | PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

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