Results for #AmericanDream

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  1. What's the point of it all, the whole world is one big scam; and the seems to be a joke.

  2. Photos · View all
  3. I mean places I'm looking at have freaking swimming pools and fitness rooms. What apartment building has fitness rooms!

  4. This past weekend I saw a family of four sitting in the mall watching NASCAR

  5. At -- Can't wait when I can use it again!

  6. Retweeted 42 times

    First time ending with plea to treat new immigrants with dignity & respect.

  7. Roaming an American town in street view and the only house I found with a fence has a very bright white picket fence.

  8. Dishwashers could be causing children allergies, study says

  9. Meanwhile... In Chicago, living the

  10. I'm an immigrant, because I'm trying to survive.

  11. Inside Job get the money!!!!!

  12. The is to HAVE IT ALL and have it PERFECTLY. What a recipe for craziness & anxiety.

  13. Marry at 30, have 3 kids, divorce at 46, move to California, be a sugar daddy for idiot girls who only want me for my money

  14. ....amazing how a skinny kid from can grow up and destroy the greatest country in the world in eight short years! BHO

  15. Another successful Board meeting tonight. Proud to be a Board member.

  16. From , In Iowa: Pursuing that ... not everyone is so lucky

  17. I might end up getting a bucket of KFC and watching the Daytona 500 all day....

  18. Republicans want to put Americans to work - not expand welfare rolls. So who is bamboozling the middle class, Mr. President?

  19. Bkb gym in April 4th making my return to the Pit ! bkbboxing bkbboxing…

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