Is Smoking Tea bad for you?

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From Drinking to Smoking TEA:

Human being is a diverse natured creature. We keep on trying new things, come up with innovative ideas and go about experimenting. Tea which was previously drunk has now become a widely used herb for smoking. Though this practice is quite an ancient one, we find evidence that ancient Chinese families used to smoke tea herbs. Yet, once again this fashion has hit back the floor.

Smoking Tea, is it “Macho”?

Many youngsters smoke tea, because they perceive this as a man’s thing! Different ways are adopted to smoke tea leaves. People usually find it easy to roll. New combinations with tea leaves are made. Lapsang Souchong is a black tea, famous for its smoky taste and aroma. It is made by drying these tea leaves over pine wood fire. People widely smoke tea because of its varying flavors like Peppermint, Tannin, Malt, Lemon Zest, Peppercorn, Tar, is smoking bad for youCranberry Autumn Tea, Cinnamon, Apricot, White Peach, Vanilla Comoro, Cocoa, Honey and other Field Grasses etc.

Short term Effects of Smoking Tea:

Smoking Tea gives you an exotic feeling. It makes one relax, helps one to calm his nerves down, makes one feel light-headed, and forget all his worries. Smoking Herbal leaves not only is aromatic but also makes you high. It is better in taste than smoking tobacco or weed. Tea makes one wide awake and happy. Gives you the energy to get moving!

Long-term Effects of Smoking Tea:

Despite the fact that smoking tea leaves may give a feeling of relaxation, it can cause cancer. Smoking tea leaves too much can cause one to hallucinate. It will make you high and puke in some cases. It can not only cause respiratory problems but also becomes an addiction, hard to get rid of!

Availability and Accessibility:

Tea is available in almost every home in the form of black, green or herbal tea. It is therefore easily accessible for people to pursue tea leaves for the purpose of smoking. Tea leaves are comparatively cheap and are available with no trouble.

Legal to smoke Tea:

One of the factors why smoking Tea is becoming more popular is that it’s legal. Even if you are under age, you can get your hands on tea leaves. Beware! It could be risky!

Smoking Tea has health risks involved:

Drinking Tea is known for blood thinning. The antioxidant property of tea detoxifies harmful chemicals in the body and raises the rate of metabolism. But smoking tea leaves can be very dangerous for health. Tea leaves due to its caffeine properties keeps one energized due to which once you stop smoking tea, you get a severe headache, become drowsy and sluggish. Tea, being a brain stimulant, reduces one’s appetite. Smoking tea becomes a craving!

Smoking tea can be deadly as it involves combustion process.  You inhale Carbon monoxide which is colorless, odorless and tasteless gas. CO binds firmly with Hemoglobin. It dissolves in blood and makes one drowsy, resulting in oxygen depletion in the blood stream causing death of a person.

Just before you find smoking tea fancy, be aware of what serious irreparable damage it can cause!

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